This is the 'base' module for the PyTurbSim program.
This module:
a) imports common numpy functions/methods (from pyts_numpy.py),
b) defines the :class:`gridObj` class (and the :func:`tsGrid` helper
c) imports the tslib Fortran module (if it is available) and
d) Defines several abstract base classes.
from . import pyts_numpy as np
from numpy import float32, complex64
from .misc import lowPrimeFact_near
from os import path
from .tslib import tslib # The file tslib.so contains the module 'tslib'.
except ImportError:
print """
***Warning***: 'tslib' did not load correctly. pyTurbSim
will produce accurate results, but MUCH less efficiently.
Consider compiling the tslib to improve performance.
tslib = None
dbg = None
#import dbg
tsroot = path.realpath(__file__).replace("\\", "/").rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'
userroot = path.expanduser('~')
ts_float = float32
ts_complex = complex64
[docs]class statObj(float):
def __new__(self, dat, ubar=None):
return float.__new__(self, dat.mean())
def mean(self):
return self
def __init__(self, dat, ubar=None):
self.max = dat.max()
self.min = dat.min()
self.sigma = np.std(dat)
if ubar is None:
ubar = self.mean
self.ti = (self.sigma / ubar) * 100
def __repr__(self,):
return '<statObj mean: %0.2f, min: %0.2f, max: %0.2f>' % (self.mean, self.min, self.max)
[docs]class tsBaseObj(object):
An abstract, base object, that contains the component (u,v,w)
information for derived classes.
comp_name = ['u', 'v', 'w']
n_comp = len(comp_name)
comp = range(n_comp)
[docs]class calcObj(tsBaseObj):
This is a base class for objects that are have .array properties.
It creates a shortcut for accessing the array through the getitem
This is used in each of the model packages as a base-class for the
output 'statistics' of that class. In other words: profObj,
specObj, stressObj, and cohereObj all derive from this class.
_alias0 = ['u', 'v', 'w']
def __getitem__(self, ind):
if ind in self._alias0:
ind = self._alias0.index(ind)
if hasattr(self, '_alias1') and ind in self._alias1:
ind = self._alias1.index(ind)
return self.array[ind]
def __setitem__(self, ind, val):
if ind in self._alias0:
ind = self._alias0.index(ind)
if hasattr(self, '_alias1') and ind in self._alias1:
ind = self._alias1.index(ind)
self.array[ind] = val
[docs]class gridProps(tsBaseObj):
An abstract base class that provides shortcuts for objects that
have the grid as one of their attributes.
def z(self,):
return self.grid.z
def y(self,):
return self.grid.y
def f(self,):
return self.grid.f
def n_p(self,):
return self.grid.n_p
def n_z(self,):
return self.grid.n_z
def n_y(self,):
return self.grid.n_y
def n_f(self,):
return self.grid.n_f
def dt(self,):
return self.grid.dt
def _parse_inputs(n, l, d, plus_one=1):
Parse inputs that describe a grid dimension.
n : int
The number of points in that dimension.
l : float
The total length of that dimension.
d : float
The spacing between points.
plus_one : bool
Specifies whether or not the number of points
includes an endpoint, or not. This should be 1 for
spatial inputs, and 0 for time inputs.
n : int
number of points
l : float
length of dimension
d : float
delta between points
Any one of `n`,`l`,`d` may be 'None', in which case it is
computed from the other two. If all three are specified the
value of `d` is disregaurded and computed from `n` and `l`.
if (n is None) + (l is None) + (d is None) > 1:
raise Exception('Invalid inputs to Grid Initialization.')
if n is None:
d = ts_float(d)
n = int(l / d) + plus_one
l = (n - plus_one) * d
elif l is None:
d = ts_float(d)
l = (n - plus_one) * d
else: # Always override d if the other two are specified.
l = ts_float(l)
d = l / (n - plus_one)
return n, l, d
[docs]def tsGrid(center=None, ny=None, nz=None,
width=None, height=None, dy=None, dz=None,
nt=None, time_sec=None, time_min=None, dt=None, time_sec_out=None,
findClose_nt_lowPrimeFactors=True, prime_max=31,
Create a TurbSim grid.
center : float
height of the center of the grid.
ny, nz : int, optional*
number of points in the y and z directions.
width,height : float, optional*
total width and height of grid.
dy, dz : float, optional*
spacing between points in the y and z directions.
nt : int, optional*
number of timesteps
time_sec : float, optional*
length of run (seconds)
time_min : float, optional*
length of run (minutes, subordinate to time_sec)
dt : float, optional*
timestep (seconds, subordinate to nt and time_sec)
time_sec_out : float, optional (`time_sec`)
length of output timeseries in seconds, must be >=`time_sec`
findClose_nt_lowPrimeFactors : bool, optional (True)
Adjust nfft to be a multiple of low primes?
prime_max : int, optional (31)
The maximum prime number allowed as a 'low prime'.
clockwise : bool, optional (True)
Should the simulation write a 'clockwise' rotation output file.
This is only used when writing 'Bladed' output files.
* Each grid dimension (z,y,time) can be specified by any
combination of 2 inputs. For the y-grid, for example, you
may specify: dy and ny, or width and dy, or width and ny. If
all three are specified, dy ignored and computed from ny and
out = gridObj()
if center is None:
raise TypeError(
"tsGrid objects require that the height of the grid center \
(input parameter 'center') be specified.")
if time_sec is None and time_min is not None:
time_sec = time_min * 60.
if time_sec_out is None and time_sec is not None:
time_sec_out = time_sec
if not (time_sec_out is None or time_sec is None):
time_sec = max(time_sec_out, time_sec)
n_y, width, dy = _parse_inputs(ny, width, dy)
n_z, height, dz = _parse_inputs(nz, height, dz)
out.y = np.arange(-width / 2, width / 2 + dy / 10, dy, dtype=ts_float)
out.z = center + np.arange(-height / 2,
height / 2 + dz / 10,
dz, dtype=ts_float)
out.n_t, out.time_sec, out.dt = _parse_inputs(nt, time_sec, dt, plus_one=0)
if time_sec_out is None:
time_sec_out = out.time_sec
junk) = _parse_inputs(None,
dt, plus_one=0)
if findClose_nt_lowPrimeFactors:
out.n_t = lowPrimeFact_near(out.n_t, nmin=out.n_t_out, pmax=prime_max)
out.n_t, out.time_sec, junk = _parse_inputs(
out.n_t, None, out.dt, plus_one=0)
out.f = np.arange(out.n_f, dtype=ts_float) * out.df + out.df # !!!CHECKTHIS
return out
[docs]class gridObj(tsBaseObj):
The base 'grid' class.
In general, functions should be used to construct the grid.
1) The grid is defined so that the first row is the bottom and the
last is the top.
2) Irregular grids are not yet supported.
clockwise = True
n_tower = 0 # This is a placeholder.
def __getitem__(self, ind):
if hasattr(ind, '__len__'):
if len(ind) == 1:
iy = ind[0]
iz = slice(None)
elif len(ind) == 2:
iy, iz = ind
raise Exception(
"Indices for accessing grids must have len==1 or 2.")
iy = ind
iz = slice(None)
out = type(self)()
out.n_t = self.n_t
out.n_t_out = self.n_t_out
out.dt = self.dt
out.f = self.f
out.time_sec = self.time_sec
out.y = self.y[iy]
out.z = self.z[iz]
return out
def __repr__(self,):
return ('<TurbSim Grid:%5.1fm high x %0.1fm wide grid (%d x %d points)'
', centered at %0.1fm.\n %5.1fsec simulation, dt=%0.1fsec '
'(%d timesteps).>' % (self.height, self.width,
self.n_z, self.n_y,
self.center, self.time_sec,
self.dt, self.n_t))
def center(self,):
return (self.z[-1] + self.z[0]) / 2
def time_sec_out(self,):
return self.dt * self.n_t_out
def width(self,):
return self.y[-1] - self.y[0]
def height(self,):
return self.z[-1] - self.z[0]
def dz(self,):
return self.height / (self.n_z - 1)
def dy(self,):
return self.width / (self.n_y - 1)
def n_z(self):
return len(self.z)
def n_y(self):
return len(self.y)
def n_f(self,):
return self.n_t / 2
def df(self,):
return 1. / self.time_sec
def n_p(self,):
return self.n_y * self.n_z
def ihub(self,):
return (self.n_z / 2, self.n_y / 2)
def shape(self,):
The grid shape: (n_z, n_y).
return [self.n_z, self.n_y]
def shape_wf(self,):
The grid shape, including frequency (n_z, n_y, n_f).
return [self.n_z, self.n_y, self.n_f]
[docs] def dist(self, ii, jj):
Compute the distance between the points `ii` and `jj`.
ii : Index of first grid-point.
jj : Index of second grid-point.
r : The distance between the two grid points.
Each input index can either be a grid-point pair (e.g. a tuple,
indicating the grid-point, or a linear index such as would be
returned by :attr:`sub2ind`).
if not hasattr(ii, '__len__'):
ii = self.ind2sub(ii)
if not hasattr(jj, '__len__'):
jj = self.ind2sub(jj)
return np.sqrt((self.y[ii[1]] - self.y[jj[1]]) ** ts_float(2) +
(self.z[ii[0]] - self.z[jj[0]]) ** ts_float(2))
def zhub(self,):
The height of the hub.
if not hasattr(self, '_zhub'):
self._zhub = self.center
return self._zhub
def zhub(self, val):
self._zhub = val
def rotor_diam(self,):
Return the min of the grid width and height.
This is how TurbSim quantifies rotor diameter.
return min(self.width, self.height)
## def ind2sub(self,ind):
## """
## Return the subscripts (iz,iy) corresponding to the
## `flattened' index *ind* (column-order) for this grid.
## """
## iy=ind/self.n_z
## if iy>=self.n_y:
## raise IndexError('Index beyond range of grid.')
## iz=np.mod(ind,self.n_z)
## return (iz,iy)
## def sub2ind(self,subs):
## """
## Return the `flattened' index (column-order) corresponding
## to the subscript *subs* (iz,iy) for this grid.
## """
## return subs[1]*self.n_z+subs[0]
## def flatten(self,arr):
## """
## Reshape an array so that the z-y grid points are
## one-dimension of the array (for Cholesky factorization).
## """
## if arr.ndim>2 and arr.shape[0]==3 and
## arr.shape[1]==self.n_z and arr.shape[2]==self.n_y:
## shp=[3,self.n_p]+list(arr.shape[3:])
## elif arr.shape[0]==self.n_z and arr.shape[1]==self.n_y:
## shp=[self.n_p]+list(arr.shape[2:])
## else:
## raise ValueError('The array shape does not match this grid.')
## return arr.reshape(shp,order='F')
## def reshape(self,arr):
## """
## Reshape the array *arr* so that its z-y grid points are
## two-dimensions of the array (after Cholesky factorization).
## """
## if arr.shape[0]==3 and arr.shape[1]==self.n_p:
## shp=[3,self.n_z,self.n_y]+list(arr.shape[2:])
## elif arr.shape[0]==self.n_p:
## shp=[self.n_z,self.n_y]+list(arr.shape[1:])
## else:
## raise ValueError('The array shape does not match this grid.')
## return arr.reshape(shp,order='F')
[docs] def ind2sub(self, ind):
Return the subscripts (iz,iy) corresponding to the 'flattened'
index `ind` (row/C-order) for this grid.
iz = ind / self.n_y
if iz >= self.n_z:
raise IndexError('Index beyond range of grid.')
iy = np.mod(ind, self.n_y)
return (iz, iy)
[docs] def sub2ind(self, subs):
Return the 'flattened' index (row/C-order) corresponding to
the subscript `subs` (iz,iy) for this grid.
if subs[0] < 0:
subs = (self.n_z + subs[0], subs[1])
if subs[1] < 0:
subs = (subs[0], self.n_y + subs[1])
return subs[0] * self.n_y + subs[1]
[docs] def flatten(self, arr):
Reshape `arr` so that the z-y grid points are one-dimension
of the array (e.g. prior to Cholesky factorization).
if (
arr.ndim > 2 and
arr.shape[0] == 3 and
arr.shape[1] == self.n_z and
arr.shape[2] == self.n_y
shp = [3, self.n_p] + list(arr.shape[3:])
elif arr.shape[0] == self.n_z and arr.shape[1] == self.n_y:
shp = [self.n_p] + list(arr.shape[2:])
raise ValueError('The array shape does not match this grid.')
return arr.reshape(shp, order='C')
[docs] def reshape(self, arr):
Reshape `arr` so that its z-y grid points are two-dimensions
of the array.
if arr.shape[0] == 3 and arr.shape[1] == self.n_p:
shp = [3, self.n_z, self.n_y] + list(arr.shape[2:])
elif arr.shape[0] == self.n_p:
shp = [self.n_z, self.n_y] + list(arr.shape[1:])
raise ValueError('The array shape does not match this grid.')
return arr.reshape(shp, order='C')
[docs]class modelBase(tsBaseObj):
An abstract base class for all TurbSim models.
def model_name(self,):
"""The model name is the class definition name"""
return str(self.__class__).rsplit('.', 1)[-1].rstrip("'>")
def model_desc(self,):
"""The model description is the first line of the docstring."""
return self.__doc__.splitlines()[0].rstrip('.')
def parameters(self,):
This property stores information about the TurbSim model
initialization variables, for writing to summary files.
This functionality is not yet implemented, and this is a
placeholder for now.
return dict(self.__dict__)
def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun, ):
return "## No '_sumfile_string' defined for %s ##\n" % (str(self.__class__))