Source code for

This module is for reading/writing PyTurbSim input (.inp) files.
from os import listdir
import pkg_resources
from pyts import _version as ver
from pyts.runInput.base import tsinput
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from pyts.base import ts_float
from import SuperFormatter
from .._base import string_type

[docs]class InputFormatter(SuperFormatter): """ This formatter is defined to format/parse the templates/inp file. """ format_prfx = '<20' def _format_qs(self, value): """ The "quote string" format specifier. """ if not value.startswith('"'): value = '"' + value if not value.endswith('"'): value += '"' return value def _format_bool(self, value): return format(value.__repr__(), self.format_prfx + 's') def _format_dec(self, value): if isinstance(value, (float, int, long)): return format(value, self.format_prfx + '.2g') return format('"%0.2f %0.2f"' % value, self.format_prfx + 's')
# This is the input-file template object template = InputFormatter( pkg_resources.resource_string(ver.pkg_name, 'io/templates/inp')) # This creates the mapping of line-numbers to variables, based on the # input-file template. It is used in the read function. inputfile_form = dict() for idx, ln in enumerate(template.template.split('\n')): if ln.startswith('{'): nm = ln[1:].split('!')[0].split(':')[0] inputfile_form[idx] = nm
[docs]def write(filename, in_dict): """ Write an input file. """ outstr = template(**in_dict) with open(filename, 'w') as outfl: outfl.write(outstr) return outstr
[docs]def read(fname): """ Read a TurbSim input (.inp) file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename to read from. Returns ------- tsinput : :class:`.tsinput`, dict A PyTurbSim input dictionary. """ # TurbSim input files are static: # Variable are determined by line number. # Only the first string on the line matters. # All else is commenting. # Therefore we simply assign variables by line number. ril = _readInputLine out = tsinput() out.filename = fname out['UserProfile'] = False with open(fname) as fl: dat = fl.readlines() fl.close() out['header'] = dat[0] # Header line at top of file. # (Sometimes used to indicate the files specific use) # Deal the data from the file: for idx, ln in enumerate(dat): if idx in inputfile_form: out[inputfile_form[idx]] = ril(dat[idx]) # Customize the input fields for pyTurbSim... if out['RandSeed2'].__class__ is str and \ out['RandSeed2'].upper() == 'RANLUX': out['RandSeed2'] = None for nm in ['IncDec1', 'IncDec2', 'IncDec3']: if out[nm] is not None: if out[nm].__class__ is str: try: out[nm] = np.array(out[nm].split(), dtype=ts_float) except ValueError: # This allows strings that don't convert to pass through. pass else: out[nm] = np.array([out[nm], 0]) if len(dat) >= 70 and dat[64].split()[1] == 'NumUSRz': # This file has a user-defined profile. out['UserProf_H'] = np.empty(out['NumUSRz'], dtype='float32') out['UserProf_U'] = np.empty_like(out['UserProf_H']) out['UserProf_Ang'] = np.empty_like(out['UserProf_H']) out['UserProf_Std'] = np.empty_like(out['UserProf_H']) out['UserProf_L'] = np.empty_like(out['UserProf_H']) for i in range(out['NumUSRz']): tmp = dat[72 + i].split() out['UserProf_H'][i] = ts_float(tmp[0]) out['UserProf_U'][i] = ts_float(tmp[1]) out['UserProf_Ang'][i] = ts_float(tmp[2]) out['UserProf_Std'][i] = ts_float(tmp[3]) out['UserProf_L'][i] = ts_float(tmp[4]) out['UserProfile'] = True fls = listdir(fname.rpartition('/')[0]) for fl in [fname.rpartition('/')[2].rpartition('.')[0] + '_Spec.inp', 'UsrSpec.inp', ]: if fl in fls: break out['psd'] = readInPSD(fname.rpartition('/')[0] + '/' + fl) for ky, val in out.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, string_type) and val == 'default': out[ky] = None out.__original__ = deepcopy(out) return out
def _readInputLine(line): """ This function parses data from input file lines and returns it as the correct 'type' (e.g. int, float, bool, str). """ types = [np.int32, np.float32, bool, str] if line[0] == '"': val = line.split('"')[1] elif line[0] == "'": val = line.split("'")[1] else: val = line.split()[0] idx = 0 if val == 'default': return None while True: try: if types[idx] is bool: tmp = val.lower().replace('"', '').replace("'", "") if not (tmp == 'false' or tmp == 'true'): raise ValueError else: return tmp == 'true' out = types[idx](val) if types[idx] is str and out.startswith('"') and out.endswith('"'): out = out[1:-1] return out except ValueError: idx += 1
[docs]def readInPSD(fname): """ Read the input spectrum from file *fname*, and return it as a dictionary. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename to read the PSD from. The frequency in the input file should be in units of hz, and the spectrum should be in units of m^2/s^2/hz. """ ril = _readInputLine out = {} if fname.__class__ is file: dat = fname.readlines() else: with open(fname) as fl: dat = fl.readlines() NumUSRf = ril(dat[3]) SpecScale1 = ril(dat[4]) SpecScale2 = ril(dat[5]) SpecScale3 = ril(dat[6]) out['freq'] = np.empty(NumUSRf, **ts_float) out['Suu'] = np.empty(NumUSRf, **ts_float) out['Svv'] = np.empty(NumUSRf, **ts_float) out['Sww'] = np.empty(NumUSRf, **ts_float) for ind in range(out.NumUSRf): tmp = dat[ind + 11].split() out['freq'][ind] = tmp[0] out['Suu'][ind] = tmp[1] out['Svv'][ind] = tmp[2] out['Sww'][ind] = tmp[3] out['Suu'] *= SpecScale1 out['Svv'] *= SpecScale2 out['Sww'] *= SpecScale3 return out
if __name__ == '__main__': def dict_diff(d1, d2): out = dict() for ky in d1: if ky in d2.keys(): if not d2[ky] == d1[ky]: out[ky] = str(d1[ky]) + ' - ' + str(d2[ky]) else: out[ky] = d1[ky] for ky in d2: if ky not in d1.keys(): out[ky] = d2[ky] return out dout = dict( PC_UW=0.2, URef=19.3, RandSeed1=34728904, RandSeed2=34728904, WrBHHTP=True, WrADHH=True, NumGrid_Z=10, NumGrid_Y=10, TimeStep=0.01, AnalysisTime=600, UsableTime=600, HubHt=80, GridHeight=90, GridWidth=90, TurbModel='SMOOTH', RefHt=90, IncDec1=(10.444, 0.1), IncDec2=10 ) fl = write('tmp/testfile.inp', dout) ## print dict_diff(inputfile_form, ifile_form_old) dnew = read('tmp/testfile.inp')