Source code for

from struct import unpack
from .base import e, checkname, convname
import numpy as np
from ..main import tsdata
from ..base import tsGrid
from warnings import warn

[docs]def bladed(fname,): """ Read Bladed format (.wnd, .bl) full-field time-series binary data files. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename from which to read the data. Returns ------- tsdata : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` The TurbSim data contained in the binary data file. """ fname = checkname(fname, ['.wnd', '.bl']) with file(fname, 'rb') as fl: junk, nffc, ncomp, lat, z0, center = unpack(e + '2hl3f', if junk != -99 or nffc != 4: raise IOError("The file %s does not appear to be a valid 'bladed (.bts)' format file." % fname) ti = np.array(unpack(e + '3f', / 100 dz, dy, dx, n_f, uhub = unpack(e + '3flf', n_t = int(2 * n_f), 1) # Unused bytes clockwise, randseed, n_z, n_y = unpack(e + '4l',, 1) # Unused bytes nbt = ncomp * n_y * n_z * n_t dat = np.rollaxis(np.fromstring( * nbt), dtype=np.int16) .astype(np.float32).reshape([ncomp, n_y, n_z, n_t], order='F'), 2, 1) dat[0] += 1000.0 / ti[0] dat /= 1000. / (uhub * ti[:, None, None, None]) # Create the grid object: dt = dx / uhub # Determine the clockwise value. if clockwise == 0: try: d = sum_scan(convname(fname, '.sum')) clockwise = d['clockwise'] except IOError: warn("Value of 'CLOCKWISE' not specified in binary file, " "and no .sum file found. Assuming CLOCKWISE = True.") clockwise = True except KeyError: warn("Value of 'CLOCKWISE' not specified in binary file, " "and %s has no line containing 'clockwise'. Assuming " "CLOCKWISE = True." % convname(fname, '.sum')) clockwise = True else: clockwise = bool(clockwise - 1) if clockwise: # flip the data back dat = dat[:, :, ::-1, :] # Create the tsdata object. grid = tsGrid(center=center, ny=n_y, nz=n_z, dy=dy, dz=dz, dt=dt, nt=n_t, clockwise=clockwise) out = tsdata(grid) out.uprof = dat.mean(-1) out.uturb = dat - out.uprof[:, :, :, None] return out
[docs]def turbsim(fname): """ Read TurbSim format (.bts) full-field time-series binary data files. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename from which to read the data. Returns ------- tsdata : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` The TurbSim data contained in the binary data file. """ fname = checkname(fname, ['.bts']) u_scl = np.zeros(3, np.float32) u_off = np.zeros(3, np.float32) fl = file(fname, 'rb') (junk, n_z, n_y, n_tower, n_t, dz, dy, dt, uhub, zhub, z0, u_scl[0], u_off[0], u_scl[1], u_off[1], u_scl[2], u_off[2], strlen) = unpack(e + 'h4l12fl', center = z0 + (n_z - 1) * dz / 2.0 #print fname, u_scl, u_off desc_str = # skip these bytes. nbt = 3 * n_y * n_z * n_t dat = np.rollaxis(np.fromstring( * nbt), dtype=np.int16).astype( np.float32).reshape([3, n_y, n_z, n_t], order='F'), 2, 1) dat -= u_off[:, None, None, None] dat /= u_scl[:, None, None, None] # Create the tsdata object. grid = tsGrid(center=center, ny=n_y, nz=n_z, dy=dy, dz=dz, dt=dt, nt=n_t, ) out = tsdata(grid) out.uprof = dat.mean(-1) out.uturb = dat - out.uprof[:, :, :, None] return out
[docs]def sum_scan(filename,): """ Scan a sum file for specific variables. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to scan. Returns ------- out : dict A dictionary of values identified. """ # Currently this routine only searches for 'clockwise'. out = dict() with open(checkname(filename, ['.sum', '.SUM']), 'r') as infl: for ln in infl: ln = ln.lower() if 'clockwise' in ln.lower(): v = ln.split()[0] if v in ['t', 'y']: out['clockwise'] = True else: out['clockwise'] = False return out