Source code for

This module is for writing PyTurbSim data objects to various formats.

The functions in this module were translated directly from the
original TSsubs.f90 file.
from .base import convname
import numpy as np
from struct import pack
from .base import e
from .. import _version as ver
import time
from .sum import write as sum  # Make sum.write available here.
    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None

[docs]def bladed(fname, tsdat): """Write TurbSim output to a Bladed-format (.wnd) binary file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename to which the data should be written. tsdat : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` A TurbSim data object. Notes ----- Bladed is a Trademark of GL Garrad-Hassan. """ prms = tsdat.parameters lat = prms.get('Latitude', 0.0) Z0 = prms.get('Z0', 0.0) ts = tsdat.utotal ti = np.sqrt(tsdat.tke[:, tsdat.ihub[0], tsdat.ihub[1]]) / tsdat.UHUB ti[ti < 1e-5] = 1 scale = 1000. / (tsdat.UHUB * ti[:, None, None, None]) off = np.array([1000. / (ti[0]), 0, 0])[:, None, None, None] fl = file(convname(fname, '.wnd'), 'wb') # First write some setup data: fl.write(pack(e + '2hl3f', -99, 4, 3, lat, Z0, tsdat.grid.z[0] + tsdat.grid.height / 2.0)) # Now write the turbulence intensity, grid spacing, numsteps, and hub mean wind speed # For some reason this takes half the number of timesteps... fl.write(pack(e + '3f', * (100 * ti))) fl.write(pack(e + '3flf',, tsdat.grid.dy, tsdat.UHUB * tsdat.dt, tsdat.shape[-1] / 2, tsdat.UHUB)) fl.write(pack(e + '3f', *([0] * 3))) # Unused bytes # Previously this was unused. Now I am using it to store the clockwise flag. # 0 is reserved for TurbSim (no specification), 1 is False, 2 is True. fl.write(pack(e + 'l', (tsdat.grid.clockwise + 1))) fl.write(pack(e + '3l',['RandSeed'], tsdat.grid.n_z, tsdat.grid.n_y)) fl.write(pack(e + '6l', *([0] * 6))) # Unused bytes if tsdat.grid.clockwise: out = (ts[:, :, ::-1, :] * scale - off).astype(np.int16) else: out = (ts[:, :, :, :] * scale - off).astype(np.int16) # Swap the y and z indices so that fortran-order writing agrees with the # file format. out = np.rollaxis(out, 2, 1) # Write the data so that the first index varies fastest (F order). # With the swap of y and z indices above, the indexes vary in the following # (decreasing) order: # component (fastest), y-index, z-index, time (slowest). fl.write(out.tostring(order='F')) fl.close()
[docs]def formatted(fname, tsdat): """Write the data to a set of TurbSim 'formatted' (readable) files (.u, .v, .w). Parameters ---------- fname : str the base-filename to which the data should be written. '.u', '.v', '.w' will be appended to fname for each file. tsdat : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` The 'tsdata' object that contains the data. """ header = ("\nThis full-field turbulence file was generated by {ver.__prog_name__} " "(v{ver.__version__}, {ver.__version_date__}) on {date} at {time}.".format( ver=ver, date=time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y', time.localtime()), time=time.strftime('%H:%M:%S (%Z)', time.localtime()))) header += ("\n\n" " | %s-comp | Y x Z | Grid Resolution (Y x Z) | " "Time-step | Hub Elev | Mean U |\n" " {n_y: 4d} {n_z: 4d} {dy: 9.3f} {dz: 9.3f} " " {dt:9.3f} {zhub:9.2f} {uhub:9.2f}\n" "\n" " Z Coordinates (m):\n" " {zcoords}\n" "\n" " Y Coordinates (m):\n" " {ycoords}\n".format(n_y=tsdat.grid.n_y, n_z=tsdat.grid.n_z, dy=tsdat.grid.dy,, dt=tsdat.dt, zhub=tsdat.grid.zhub, uhub=tsdat.UHUB, zcoords=(' {: 7.3f}' * tsdat.grid.n_z).format(*tsdat.z), ycoords=(' {: 7.3f}' * tsdat.grid.n_y).format(*tsdat.y), )) outform = ("\n" " {: 7.3f} {: 7.3f}\n") outform += (' ' + (' {: 7.3f}' * tsdat.grid.n_y) + '\n') * tsdat.grid.n_z fname = fname.rstrip('.inp') print("Writing formatted files...") for idc in range(tsdat.n_comp): comp = tsdat.comp_name[idc] print("{}-component, timestep:".format(comp)) fl = open(fname + '.' + comp, 'w') fl.write(header % (comp)) nt = tsdat.time.shape[0] for idt in range(nt): if idt % 1000 == 0: print('{}/{}'.format(idt, nt)) fl.write(outform.format(tsdat.time[idt], tsdat.uhub[idt], *tsdat.uturb[idc, :, :, idt].flatten())) fl.close()
[docs]def turbsim(fname, tsdat): """Write the data to a TurbSim-format binary file (.bts). Parameters ---------- fname : str the filename to which the data should be written. tsdat : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` The 'tsdata' object that contains the data. """ ts = tsdat.utotal intmin = -32768 intrng = 65536 u_minmax = np.empty((3, 2), dtype=np.float32) u_off = np.empty((3), dtype=np.float32) u_scl = np.empty((3), dtype=np.float32) desc_str = 'generated by %s v%s, %s.' % ( ver.__prog_name__, ver.__version__, time.strftime('%b %d, %Y, %H:%M (%Z)', time.localtime())) # Calculate the ranges: out = np.empty(tsdat.shape, dtype=np.int16) for ind in range(3): u_minmax[ind] = ts[ind].min(), ts[ind].max() if u_minmax[ind][0] == u_minmax[ind][1]: u_scl[ind] = 1 else: u_scl[ind] = intrng / np.diff(u_minmax[ind]) u_off[ind] = intmin - u_scl[ind] * u_minmax[ind, 0] out[ind] = (ts[ind] * u_scl[ind] + u_off[ind]).astype(np.int16) fl = file(convname(fname, '.bts'), 'wb') fl.write(pack(e + 'h4l12fl', 7, tsdat.grid.n_z, tsdat.grid.n_y, tsdat.grid.n_tower, tsdat.shape[-1],, tsdat.grid.dy, tsdat.dt, tsdat.UHUB, tsdat.grid.zhub, tsdat.grid.z[0], u_scl[0], u_off[0], u_scl[1], u_off[1], u_scl[2], u_off[2], len(desc_str))) fl.write(desc_str) # Swap the y and z indices so that fortran-order writing agrees with the file format. # Also, we swap the order of z-axis to agree with the file format. # Write the data so that the first index varies fastest (F order). # The indexes vary in the following order: # component (fastest), y-index, z-index, time (slowest). fl.write(np.rollaxis(out, 2, 1).tostring(order='F')) fl.close()
if h5py is not None: def hdf5(fname, tsdat): """Write the data to an hdf5 format file. Parameters ---------- fname : str the filename to which the data should be written. `.inp` will always be stripped, and `.h5` will be added if no file extension exists. tsdat : :class:`tsdata <pyts.main.tsdata>` The 'tsdata' object that contains the data. """ fname = fname.rstrip('.inp') if '.' not in (fname.split('/')[-1]).split('\\')[-1]: fname += '.h5' with h5py.File(fname, mode='w') as fl: # The turbulence velocity: ds_uturb = fl.create_dataset('uturb', data=tsdat.uturb) ds_uturb.attrs.create('units', 'm/s') ds_uturb.attrs.create('dims', ['u,v,w', 'z', 'y', 'time']) # The mean velocity profile: ds_uprof = fl.create_dataset('uprof', data=tsdat.uprof) ds_uprof.attrs.create('units', 'm/s') ds_uprof.attrs.create('dims', ['u,v,w', 'z', 'y']) # The spatial grid: ds_z = fl.create_dataset('z', data=tsdat.z) ds_z.attrs.create('units', 'm') ds_y = fl.create_dataset('y', data=tsdat.y) ds_y.attrs.create('units', 'm') # The time vector: ds_time = fl.create_dataset('time', data=tsdat.time) ds_time.attrs.create('units', 'sec')