This module brings together the main components of the TurbSim program
and defines the primary high-level objects that users of the Python
interface will utilize.
This module, however, contains more functions and objects than the
typical user will want access to. For a more compact version of the
PyTurbSim interface import the ./api.py package.
from .base import ts_complex, gridProps, dbg, np, statObj
from .profModels.base import profModelBase, profObj
from .specModels.base import specModelBase, specObj
from .cohereModels.base import cohereModelBase, cohereObj, cohereUser
from .stressModels.base import stressModelBase, stressObj
from .phaseModels.api import randPhase
import _version as ver
from .io import write
from numpy import random
from numpy import ulonglong
from numpy.fft import irfft
import time
# inconsistency between this and older versions of TurbSim
# means I need to ensure that something is right.
# means I know I am doing something wrong.
# Means add documentation here
# - Testing:
# . Test 'user-defined' models
# - Documentation
# . Document plotting tools.
## These require branches
# - Fix Reynold's stress!
# - Break Cholesky from coherence models/objects and into 'main', or tslib.
# . How do callbacks work fortran->python?
# . Can we implement this so that 'models/objects' are separated from tslib?
# - Add 'mods':
# . Add ability to rotate mean velocity field (for a prof instance and a profModel).
# . Add ability to add veer to mean velocity field (prof instance and profModel).
# - Write .sum summary files (io package), (so they are fully self-contained).
# . Add parameter logging, so that we can write summary files that
# track all parameters that were input.
## Low priority
# - Write FF files (tsio.py).
# - Write HubHeight files (tsio.py).
# - Add KHtest functionality? (rgrep for '#KHTEST')
# - Write 'events' (includes adding 'coherent events' to TS)
[docs]class tsrun(object):
This is the PyTurbSim 'run' class. This class provides the
interface for controlling PyTurbSim simulations and output.
Examples of how to use this class, and the PyTurbSim interface in
general can be found in the PyTurbSim /examples directory.
RandSeed : int,optional ('random value')
Initialize the run-object with a RandSeed.
ncore : int,optional (1)
Number of cores (processors) to use for the pyTurbSim run
def __init__(self, RandSeed=None, ncore=1):
PyTurbSim 'run' objects can be initialized with a specific
random seed, `RandSeed`, and number of cores, `ncore`.
# Initialize the random number generator before doing anything else.
if RandSeed is None:
self.RandSeed = random.randint(-2147483647, 2147483647)
self.RandSeed = RandSeed
# Seeds for numpy must be positive, but original-TurbSim had
# negative seeds. In order to attempt to be consistent, we
# use the values in the files but make them positive for the
# numpy random generator.
self.randgen = random.RandomState(
ulonglong(self.RandSeed + 2147483648))
self.ncore = ncore
if dbg:
self.timer = dbg.timer('Veers84')
# For now this is a place-holder, I may want to make this an
# 'input property' eventually.
phase = randPhase()
def prof(self):
This is the 'mean velocity profile' input property.
This property returns a 'profObj'.
This property can be defined with three types of objects:
1) define it with a 'profile model' (recommended)::
In this case the model is set to my_ts_run.profModel, and
this model is called to produce a profObj AS NEEDED. At
the end of the ts_run call that profObj is cleared so
that subsequent runs do not use a fixed profObj (i.e. in
the case that the model is modified or another
model/object that the profile model depends on is
changed between runs).
2) define it with a profObj directly (profile
In this case the profObj is FIXED. That is, all
subsequent PyTurbSim runs will utilize this profile,
which is based on the state of the a_prof_model and
ts_run at the time of the profObj creation.
3) define it with an array directly::
ts_run.prof=a_numpy_array [units: m/s]
In this case the profObj is again fixed and defined by
the input array. The numpy array dimensions must match
those of the gridObj. That is, the dimensions of the
array should be (3 x grid.n_z x grid.n_y). The first
dimension is for each component of the profile (u,v,w),
the next two are for each point (z,y) in the grid.
See Also
pyts.profModels.api : to see available profile models.
if hasattr(self, 'profModel') and not hasattr(self, '_prof'):
self._prof = self.profModel(self)
return self._prof
def prof(self, val):
if profModelBase in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.profModel = val
elif np.ndarray in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._prof = profObj(self)
self._prof.array[:] = val
elif profObj in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._prof = val
raise Exception('The input must be a profile model, '
'profile object or numpy array; it is none of these.')
def prof(self,):
if hasattr(self, 'profModel'):
del self._prof
def spec(self):
This is the 'tke spectrum' input property.
This property always returns a `.specObj`.
This property can be defined with three types of objects:
1) define it with a 'spectral model' (recommended)::
In this case the model is set to my_ts_run.specModel, and
this model is called to produce a specObj AS NEEDED. At
the end of the ts_run call that specObj is cleared so
that subsequent runs do not use a fixed specObj (i.e. in
the case that another model/object that the spectral model
depends on is changed between runs).
2) define it with a specObj directly::
In this case the specObj is FIXED. That is, all
subsequent PyTurbSim runs will utilize this spectral
model, which is based on the state of ts_run at the time
of the specObj creation.
3) define it with an array directly::
ts_run.spec=a_numpy_array - [units: m^2/(s^2.Hz)]
In this case the specObj is again fixed and defined by
the input array. The numpy array dimensions must match
those of the gridObj. That is, the dimensions of the
array should be (3 x grid.n_z x grid.n_y x grid.n_f).
The first dimension is for each component of the spectrum
(u,v,w), the next two are for each point (z,y) in the
grid, and the last dimension is the frequency dependence
of the spectrum.
See Also
pyts.specModels.api : to see available spectral models.
if hasattr(self, 'specModel') and not hasattr(self, '_spec'):
self._spec = self.specModel(self)
return self._spec
def spec(self, val):
if specModelBase in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.specModel = val
elif np.ndarray in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._spec = specObj(self)
self._spec.array[:] = val
elif specObj in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._spec = val
raise Exception('The input must be a spectral model, '
'spectra object or numpy array; it is none of these.')
def spec(self,):
if hasattr(self, 'specModel'):
del self._spec
def cohere(self):
This is the 'coherence' input property.
This property always returns a :class:`~.cohereModels.base.cohereObj`.
Because the bulk of PyTurbSim's computational requirements
(memory and processor time) are consumed by dealing with this
statistic, it behaves somewhat differently from the others. In
particular, rather than relying on arrays for holding data
'coherence objects' define functions that are called as
needed. This dramatically reduces the memory requirements of
PyTurbSim without increasing. See the cohereModels package
documentation for further details. Fortunately, at this
level, coherence is specified identically to other
This property can be defined with three types of objects:
1) define it with a 'coherence model' (recommended)::
In this case the model is set to my_ts_run.cohereModel,
and this model sets the is called at runtime to produce the phase
array. At the end of the ts_run call that phase array is
cleared so that subsequent runs do not use a fixed
phase information (i.e. in the case that the coherence
model is modified or another model/object that the
coherence model depends on is changed between runs).
2) define it with a cohereObj directly ::
In this case the cohereObj is FIXED. That is, all
subsequent PyTurbSim runs will utilize this coherence
model, which is based on the state of ts_run at the time
of execution of this command.
3) define it with an array directly::
ts_run.cohere=a_numpy_array - [units: non-dimensional]
In this case the coherence will be fixed and defined by
this input array. The numpy array dimensions must match
those of the gridObj. That is, the dimensions of the
array should be (3 x grid.n_p x grid.n_p x grid.n_f).
The first dimension is for each component of the spectrum
(u,v,w), the next two are for each point-pair (z,y) in the
grid, and the last dimension is the frequency dependence
of the spectrum.
This approach for specifying the coherence - while
explicit and flexible - requires considerably more memory
than the 'coherence model' approach. Furthermore using
this approach one must be careful to make sure that the
ordering of the array agrees with that of the 'flattened
grid' (see the gridObj.flatten method, and/or the
cohereUser coherence model for more information).
See Also
pyts.cohereModels.api : to see a list of available coherence models.
pyts.cohereModels.base.cohereUser : the 'user-defined' or 'array-input' coherence model.
if hasattr(self, 'cohereModel') and not hasattr(self, '_cohere'):
self._cohere = self.cohereModel(self)
return self._cohere
def cohere(self, val):
if cohereModelBase in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.cohereModel = val
elif np.ndarray in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.cohereModel = cohereUser(val)
elif cohereObj in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.cohere = val
raise Exception('The input must be a coherence model, '
'coherence object or numpy array; it is none of these.')
def cohere(self,):
if hasattr(self, 'cohereModel'):
del self._cohere
def stress(self):
This is the Reynold's stress input property.
This property always returns a :class:`.stressObj`.
This property can be defined with three types of objects:
1) define it with a `specModel` (recommended)::
In this case the model is set to my_ts_run.stressModel, and
this model is called to produce a stressObj AS NEEDED. At
the end of the ts_run call that stressObj is cleared so
that subsequent runs do not use a fixed stressObj (i.e. in
the case that another model/object that the stress model
depends on is changed between runs).
2) define it with a `stressObj` directly::
In this case the stressObj is FIXED. That is, all
subsequent PyTurbSim runs will utilize this stress
model, which is based on the state of ts_run at the time
of the stressObj creation.
3) define it with an array directly::
ts_run.stress=a_numpy_array - [units: m^2/s^2]
In this case the stressObj is again fixed and defined by
the input array. The numpy array dimensions must match
those of the gridObj. That is, the dimensions of the
array should be (3 x grid.n_z x grid.n_y).
The first dimension is for each component of the stress
(u,v,w), the next two are for each point (z,y) in the
See Also
pyts.stressModels.api : To see available stress models.
if hasattr(self, 'stressModel') and not hasattr(self, '_stress'):
self._stress = self.stressModel(self)
return self._stress
def stress(self, val):
if stressModelBase in val.__class__.__mro__:
self.stressModel = val
elif np.ndarray in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._stress = stressObj(self)
self._stress.array[:] = val
elif stressObj in val.__class__.__mro__:
self._stress = val
raise Exception('The input must be a stress model, '
'stress object or numpy array; it is none of these.')
def stress(self,):
if hasattr(self, 'stressModel'):
del self._stress
[docs] def reset(self, seed=None):
Clear the input statistics and reset the Random Number
generator to its initial state.
del self.prof
del self.spec
del self.cohere
del self.stress
if seed is None:
def info(self,):
Model names and initialization parameters.
out = dict()
out['version'] = (ver.__prog_name__, ver.__version__, ver.__version_date__)
out['RandSeed'] = self.RandSeed
out['StartTime'] = self._starttime
if hasattr(self, '_config'):
out['config'] = self._config
for nm in ['profModel', 'specModel', 'cohereModel', 'stressModel']:
if hasattr(self, nm):
mdl = getattr(self, nm)
out[nm] = dict(name=mdl.model_name,
out[nm] = None
out['RandSeed'] = self.RandSeed
out['RunTime'] = time.time() - time.mktime(self._starttime)
return out
[docs] def run(self,):
Run PyTurbSim.
Before calling this method be sure to set the following
attributes to their desired values:
- :attr:`tsrun.prof`: The mean profile model, object or array.
- :attr:`tsrun.spec`: The tke spectrum model, object or array.
- :attr:`tsrun.cohere`: The coherence model, object or array.
- :attr:`tsrun.stress`: The Reynold's stress model, object or array.
tsdata : :class:`tsdata`
self._starttime = time.localtime()
self.timeseries = self._calcTimeSeries()
out = self._build_outdata()
return out
__call__ = run
def _build_outdata(self,):
Construct the output data object and return it.
out = tsdata(self.grid)
out.uturb = self.timeseries
out.uprof = self.prof.array
out.info = self.info
return out
def _calcTimeSeries(self,):
Compute the u,v,w, timeseries based on the spectral, coherence
and Reynold's stress models.
This method performs the work of taking a specified spectrum
and coherence function and transforming it into a spatial
timeseries. It performs the steps outlined in Veers84's [1]_
equations 7 and 8.
turb : the turbulent velocity timeseries array (3 x nz x ny x
nt) for this PyTurbSim run.
1) Veers84's equation 7 [1]_ is actually a 'Cholesky
Factorization'. Therefore, rather than writing this
functionality explicitly we call 'cholesky' routines to do
this work.
2) This function uses one of two methods for computing the
Cholesky factorization. If the Fortran library tslib is
available it is used (it is much more efficient), otherwise
the numpy implementation of Cholesky is used.
.. [1] Veers, Paul (1984) 'Modeling Stochastic Wind Loads on
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines', Sandia Report 1909, 17
grid = self.grid
tmp = np.zeros((grid.n_comp, grid.n_z, grid.n_y, grid.n_f + 1),
if dbg:
# First calculate the 'base' set of random phases:
phases = self.phase(self)
# Now correlate the phases at each point to set the Reynold's stress:
phases = self.stress.calc_phases(phases)
# Now correlate the phases between points to set the spatial coherence:
phases = self.cohere.calc_phases(phases)
# Now multiply the phases by the spectrum...
tmp[..., 1:] = np.sqrt(self.spec.array) * grid.reshape(phases)
# and compute the inverse fft to produce the timeseries:
ts = irfft(tmp)
if dbg:
# Select only the time period requested:
# Grab a random number of where to cut the timeseries.
i0_out = self.randgen.randint(grid.n_t - grid.n_t_out + 1)
ts = ts[..., i0_out:i0_out + grid.n_t_out] / (grid.dt / grid.n_f) ** 0.5
ts -= ts.mean(-1)[..., None] # Make sure the turbulence has zero mean.
return ts
[docs]class tsdata(gridProps):
TurbSim output data object. In addition to the output of a
simulation (velocity timeseries array) it also includes all
information for reproducing the simulation.
grid : :class:`gridObj`
TurbSim data objects are initialized with a TurbSim grid.
def _sumdict(self):
out = dict()
# Start by pulling values from the config file
# if there was one.
if 'config' in self.info:
uhub = out['uhub'] = statObj(self.uhub)
out['vhub'] = statObj(self.vhub, uhub.mean)
out['whub'] = statObj(self.whub, uhub.mean)
out['hhub'] = statObj(np.sqrt(self.uhub ** 2 + self.vhub ** 2))
out['grid'] = self.grid
out['upvp'] = statObj(self.uhub * self.vhub)
out['upwp'] = statObj(self.vhub * self.whub)
out['vpwp'] = statObj(self.vhub * self.whub)
out['upvp'].scale = 1
out['upwp'].scale = 1
out['vpwp'].scale = 1
out['tke'] = statObj((self.uturb ** 2).sum(0))
out['tke'] = statObj((self.uturb ** 2).sum(0))
out['ctke'] = statObj(0.5 * np.sqrt(
(self.uturb[0] * self.uturb[1]) ** 2 +
(self.uturb[0] * self.uturb[2]) ** 2 +
(self.uturb[1] * self.uturb[2]) ** 2))
out['u_sigma'] = self.uturb[0].flatten().std()
out['v_sigma'] = self.uturb[1].flatten().std()
out['w_sigma'] = self.uturb[2].flatten().std()
out['TurbModel_desc'] = self.info['specModel']['description']
out['RandSeed1'] = self.info['RandSeed']
out['profModel_sumstring'] = self.info['profModel']['sumstring']
out['specModel_sumstring'] = self.info['specModel']['sumstring']
out['stressModel_sumstring'] = self.info['stressModel']['sumstring']
out['cohereModel_sumstring'] = self.info['cohereModel']['sumstring']
out['ver'] = ver
out['NowDate'] = time.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y', self.info['StartTime'])
out['NowTime'] = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', self.info['StartTime'])
out['RunTime'] = self.info['RunTime']
out['FreqNyquist'] = self.f[-1]
out['GridBase'] = self.grid.z[0]
out['HeightOffset'] = 0.0 # Is this correct?
out['ydata'] = self.grid.y
out['z_ustd'] = np.concatenate((self.grid.z[:, None], self.uturb[0].std(-1)), axis=1)
out['z_vstd'] = np.concatenate((self.grid.z[:, None], self.uturb[1].std(-1)), axis=1)
out['z_wstd'] = np.concatenate((self.grid.z[:, None], self.uturb[2].std(-1)), axis=1)
u, v, w = self.uprof.mean(-1)[:, :, None]
out['WINDSPEEDPROFILE'] = np.concatenate((
self.grid.z[:, None],
np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2),
np.angle(u + 1j * v) * 180 / np.pi,
u, v, w, ), axis=1)
out['HFlowAng'] = np.angle(self.uprof[0][self.ihub] + 1j * self.uprof[1][self.ihub])
out['VFlowAng'] = np.angle(self.uprof[0][self.ihub] + 1j * self.uprof[2][self.ihub])
out['TurbModel'] = self.info['specModel']['name']
out['gridheader'] = '--------- ' * self.grid.n_y
for nm in ['Zref', 'RefHt', 'ZRef', ]:
if nm in self.info['profModel']['params']:
out['RefHt'] = self.info['profModel']['params'][nm]
for nm in ['URef', 'Uref', ]:
if nm in self.info['profModel']['params']:
out['URef'] = self.info['profModel']['params'][nm]
out['PLExp'] = self.info['profModel']['params'].get('PLexp', None)
return out
def __getitem__(self, ind):
if not hasattr(ind, '__len__'):
ind = [ind]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
if val.__class__ is not slice:
ind[idx] = slice(val, val + 1)
out = type(self)(self.grid[ind])
ind = [slice(None)] + list(ind)
out.uturb = self.uturb[ind]
out.uprof = self.uprof[ind]
return out
def parameters(self,):
out = {}
if hasattr(self, 'info'):
for nm in ['profModel_params',
if nm in self.info:
return out
def __init__(self, grid):
Initialize a tsdata object with a grid object.
self.grid = grid
def shape(self,):
The shape of the turbulence time-series (output) array.
return self.uturb.shape
def ihub(self,):
The index of the hub.
return self.grid.ihub
def time(self,):
The time vector, in seconds, starting at zero.
if not hasattr(self, '_time'):
self._time = np.arange(0, self.uturb.shape[-1] * self.dt, self.dt)
return self._time
def __repr__(self,):
return ('<TurbSim data object:\n'
'%d %4.2fs-timesteps, %0.2fx%0.2fm (%dx%d) z-y grid (hubheight=%0.2fm).>' %
def utotal(self,):
The total (mean + turbulent), 3-d velocity array
return self.uturb + self.uprof[:, :, :, None]
def u(self,):
The total (mean + turbulent), u-component of velocity.
return self.uturb[0] + self.uprof[0, :, :, None]
def v(self,):
The total (mean + turbulent), v-component of velocity.
return self.uturb[1] + self.uprof[1, :, :, None]
def w(self,):
The total (mean + turbulent), w-component of velocity.
return self.uturb[2] + self.uprof[2, :, :, None]
def UHUB(self,):
The hub-height mean velocity.
return self.uprof[0][self.ihub]
def uhub(self,):
The hub-height u-component time-series.
return self.u[self.ihub]
def vhub(self,):
The hub-height v-component time-series.
return self.v[self.ihub]
def whub(self,):
The hub-height w-component time-series.
return self.w[self.ihub]
def tke(self,):
The turbulence kinetic energy.
return (self.uturb ** 2).mean(-1)
def ctke(self,):
return 0.5 * np.sqrt((self.stress ** 2).mean(-1).sum(0))
def Ti(self,):
The turbulence intensity, std(u')/U, at each point in the grid.
return np.std(self.uturb[0], axis=-1) / self.uprof[0]
def stress(self,):
The Reynold's stress tensor.
if not hasattr(self, '_dat_stress'):
self._stress_dat = np.concatenate(
(np.mean(self.uturb[0] * self.uturb[1], axis=-1)[None],
np.mean(self.uturb[0] * self.uturb[2], axis=-1)[None],
np.mean(self.uturb[1] * self.uturb[2], axis=-1)[None]),
return self._stress_dat
def upvp_(self,):
The u'v' component of the Reynold's stress.
return self.stress[0]
def upwp_(self,):
The u'w' component of the Reynold's stress.
return self.stress[1]
def vpwp_(self,):
The v'w' component of the Reynold's stress.
return self.stress[2]
def stats(self,):
Compute and return relevant statistics for this turbsim time-series.
stats : dict
A dictionary containing various statistics of interest.
slc = [slice(None)] + list(self.ihub)
stats = {}
stats['Ti'] = self.tke[slc] / self.UHUB
return stats
[docs] def write_bladed(self, filename):
Save the data in this tsdata object in 'bladed' format (.wnd).
filename : str
The filename to which the data should be written.
write.bladed(filename, self)
[docs] def write_turbsim(self, filename):
"""Save the data in this tsdata object in 'TurbSim' format.
filename : str
The filename to which the data should be written.
write.turbsim(filename, self)
[docs] def write_sum(self, filename):
Currently PyTurbSim does not support writing summary (.sum) files.
write.sum(filename, self._sumdict)
if write.h5py is not None:
def write_hdf5(self, filename):
"""Save the data in this tsdata object as an hdf5 file.
filename : str
The filename to which the data should be written.
write.hdf5(filename, self)