This module contains a few random helper functions that are used
throughout the code.
from . import pyts_numpy as np
kappa = 0.41 # Von-Karman's constant
[docs]def Lambda(zhub, IECedition):
Calculate the IEC length scale.
Lambda = 0.7*min(Zhat,zhub)
Where: Zhat = 30,60 for IECedition = 2,3, respectively.
if IECedition <= 2:
return 0.7 * min(30, zhub)
return 0.7 * min(60, zhub)
[docs]def zL(Ri, TurbModel=None):
*zL* is the Monin-Obhukov (M-O) stability parameter z/L,
where L is the M-O length.
zL > 0 means stable conditions.
Ri : float
The Richardson number.
TurbModel : str
The turbulence model that is being used (optional).
In some cases z/L depends on the Turbulence model.
if TurbModel.__class__ is str and TurbModel.lower() == 'nwtcup':
Ri = max(min(Ri, 0.155), -1.)
if Ri <= -0.1:
return -0.254 + 1.047 * Ri
elif Ri < 0:
return 10.369 * Ri / (1. - 19.393 * Ri)
return 2.535 * Ri / (1. - 6.252 * Ri)
elif TurbModel.__class__ is str and TurbModel.lower() == 'gp_llj':
Ri = max(min(Ri, 0.1367), -1.)
if Ri <= -0.1:
return -0.047 + 1.056 * Ri
elif Ri < 0:
return 2.213 * Ri / (1. - 4.698 * Ri)
return 3.132 * Ri / (1. - 6.762 * Ri)
# This is the relationship between zL and Ri detailed in:
# Businger etal 'Flux-Profile Relationships in the Atmospheric Surface
# Layer' 1971,
if Ri < 0:
return Ri
elif Ri < .16666666:
return Ri / (1 - 5. * Ri)
return 1
[docs]def psiM(Ri, TurbModel=None):
The psi_M stability parameter is used for various mean wind-speed
profiles and turbulence models.
Ri : float
The Richardson number.
TurbModel : str
The turbulence model that is being used (optional).
In some cases z/L depends on the Turbulence model.
psiM : float
The psi_M stability parameter.
zl = zL(Ri, TurbModel)
if zl >= 0:
return -5.0 * min(zl, 1.0)
tmp = (1. - 15.0 * zl) ** 0.25
return (-np.log(0.125 * ((1.0 + tmp) ** 2 * (1.0 + tmp ** 2)))
+ 2.0 * np.arctan(tmp) - 0.5 * np.pi)
[docs]def pfactor(n, pmax=31):
Calculate the prime factors of the integer *n*.
n : The integer for which to calculate prime-factors.
pmax : The maximum prime to use (default 31, can be up to 71).
primes : list
A of the primes.
The first 20 primes (up to 71) are hard-coded into this
routine. You'll need to add more primes to the list if you want
primes = np.array([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,
23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
53, 59, 61, 67, 71])
primes = primes[primes <= pmax]
lst = set()
for ip in primes:
while np.mod(n, ip) == 0:
n /= ip
if n != 1:
return np.sort(list(lst))
[docs]def lowPrimeFact_near(n, pmax=31, nmin=None, evens_only=True):
Find the nearest integer to `n` with prime factors all less than
This routine is used to change the length of arrays to speed-up
Fast Fourier Transforms.
n : int
The starting integer.
pmax : int
The maximum prime to be found.
qp_near : int
The nearest integer to n that has prime factors less than `pmax`.
if (np.array(pfactor(n, pmax)) < pmax).all():
return n
if evens_only: # Only deal with evens.
dl = 2
if np.mod(n, 2) > 0:
n += 1
dl = 1
ih = n
if nmin is not None:
il = n - dl
while il > nmin:
if (np.array(pfactor(il, pmax)) < pmax).all():
return il
elif (np.array(pfactor(ih, pmax)) < pmax).all():
return ih
il -= dl
ih += dl
while not (np.array(pfactor(ih, pmax)) < pmax).all():
ih += dl
return ih
[docs]def fix2range(vals, minval, maxval):
A helper function that sets the value of the array or number `vals` to
fall within the range `minval` <= `vals` <= `maxval`.
Values of `vals` that are greater than `maxval` are set to
`maxval` (and similar for `minval`).
vals : float or array_like
The value(s) to 'fix'.
minval : float
The minimum value.
maxval : float
The maximum value.
fixed_vals : float or array_like (matches `vals`)
The fixed values.
if not hasattr(vals, '__len__'):
return max(min(vals, maxval), minval)
vals[vals > maxval], vals[vals < minval] = maxval, minval
return vals
[docs]class InvalidConfig(Exception):
Exception raised by the baseModel classes. Used to indicate that
a model has not defined a necessary attribute.
def __init__(self, msg='Invalid option specified in config file.'):
self.msg = msg