Source code for pyts.plot._basefuncs

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
transforms = mpl.transforms
from string import lowercase

def pair(val):
    Return the input as a list of two values if it is a scalar.
    if np.isscalar(val):
        return [val] * 2
    if len(val) == 1:
        return [val[0], val[0]]
    return val

def cpcolor(*args, **kwargs):

    makes a pseudocolor plot of the data in c

    Optional keyword arguments:

    threshx = np.inf
    threshy = np.inf
    fixgaps = True
    argind = 0
    if isinstance(args[0], mpl.axes.Axes):
        # Data is the second (1) element of args... (see below)
        argind += 1
        ax = args[0]
    elif ('ax' in kwargs.keys()) or \
            ('axes' in kwargs.keys()) or ('parent' in kwargs.keys()):
        if 'parent' in kwargs.keys():
            ax = kwargs.pop('parent')
        elif 'ax' in kwargs.keys():
            ax = kwargs.pop('ax')
            ax = kwargs.pop('axes')
        ax = mpl.pylab.gca()

    if 'fixgaps' in kwargs.keys():
        fixgaps = kwargs.pop('fixgaps')
    if 'threshx' in kwargs.keys():
        threshx = kwargs.pop('threshx')
    if 'threshy' in kwargs.keys():
        threshy = kwargs.pop('threshy')
    if 'clim' in kwargs.keys():
        clm = kwargs.pop('clim')
        kwargs['vmin'] = clm[0]
        kwargs['vmax'] = clm[1]

    if len(args) - argind == 1:
        dat = args[0 + argind]
        x = np.arange(dat.shape[1])
        y = np.arange(dat.shape[0])
        x = args[0 + argind]
        y = args[1 + argind]
        dat = args[2 + argind]

    dfx = np.diff(x, 1, 0).astype('double')
    dx = dfx
    gd = abs(dx) <= 3 * np.nanmean(abs(dx))
    while not gd.all():
        dx = dx[gd]
        gd = abs(dx) <= 3 * np.nanmean(abs(dx))

    dx = np.nanmean(dx).astype('double')

    dfy = np.diff(y, 1, 0).astype('double')
    dy = dfy
    gd = abs(dy) <= 3 * np.nanmean(abs(dy))
    while not gd.all():
        dy = dy[gd]
        gd = abs(dy) <= 3 * np.nanmean(abs(dy))

    dy = np.nanmean(dy).astype('double')

    N = dat.shape[1] + sum(abs(dfx) > 3 * abs(dx)) * fixgaps
    datn = np.NaN * np.ones([dat.shape[0], N + 1])
    xn = np.NaN * np.ones([N + 1, 1])
    if fixgaps:
        if abs(dfx[0]) < 3 * abs(dx) or abs(dfx[0]) <= threshx:
            xn[0] = x[0] - dfx[0] / 2
            xn[0] = x[0] - dx
        datn[:, 0] = dat[:, 0]
        c = 0
        for i0 in range(0, len(dfx)):
            c = c + 1
            if abs(dfx[i0]) <= (3 * abs(dx)) or \
                    np.isnan(dfx[i0]) or abs(dfx[i0]) <= threshx:
                xn[c] = x[i0] + dfx[i0] / 2
                datn[:, c] = dat[:, i0 + 1]
                xn[c] = x[i0] + dx
                datn[:, c] = np.NaN * dat[:, 0]
                c = c + 1
                xn[c] = x[i0] + dfx[i0] - dx
                datn[:, c] = dat[:, i0]
        datn[:, 1:N] = dat
        xn[2:N] = x[2:N] - dfx / 2

    xn[0] = x[0] - dx / 2
    xn[-1] = x[-1] + dx / 2

    N = datn.shape[0] + sum(abs(dfy) > 3 * abs(dy)) * fixgaps
    datn2 = np.NaN * np.ones([N + 1, datn.shape[1]])
    yn = np.NaN * np.ones([N + 1, 1])
    if fixgaps:
        if abs(dfy[0]) < 3 * abs(dy) or abs(dfy[0]) <= threshy:
            yn[0] = y[0] - dfy[0] / 2
            yn[0] = y[0] - dy
        datn2[0, :] = datn[0, :]
        c = 0
        for i0 in range(0, len(dfy)):
            c = c + 1
            if abs(dfy[i0]) <= (3 * abs(dy)) or \
                    np.isnan(dfy[i0]) or abs(dfy[i0]) <= threshy:
                yn[c] = y[i0] + dfy[i0] / 2
                datn2[c, :] = datn[i0 + 1, :]
                yn[c] = y[i0] + dy
                datn2[c, :] = np.NaN * datn[0, :]
                c = c + 1
                yn[c] = y[i0] + dfy[i0] - dy
                datn2[c, :] = datn[i0, :]
        datn2[1:N, :] = datn
        yn[2:N] = y[2:N] - dfy / 2

    yn[0] = y[0] - dy / 2
    yn[-1] = y[-1] + dy / 2

    datm =, mask=np.isnan(datn2))

    [mx, my] = np.meshgrid(xn, yn)

    mx =, mask=np.isnan(mx))
    my =, mask=np.isnan(my))

    # mx=xn
    # my=yn

    hndl = ax.pcolormesh(mx, my, datm, shading='flat', **kwargs)
    return hndl

def labelax(peer, str, place='right', **kwargs):
    if place == 'right':
        place = (1.025, .6)
    elif place == 'over':
        place = (.48, 1.1)
        if 'horizontalalignment' not in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = 'right'

    hndl = peer.text(
        place[0], place[1], str, transform=peer.transAxes, **kwargs)

    return hndl

def errorshadex(peer, x, y, xerr, ecolor=None,
                ealpha=.5, color='b', zorder=0, **kwargs):
    Plot a line with a shaded region for error.
    if ecolor is None:
        ecolor = color
    peer.plot(x, y, color=color, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
        y, x - xerr, x + xerr, alpha=ealpha, color=ecolor, zorder=zorder - 1)

def vecs2fillvec(y1, y2, meanstd=False, x=None, axis=0):
    *y1* and *y2* should be the ranges.
    This function will then flip y2 and tack it onto y1.

    For meanstd=True
    *y1* should be the mean, and *y2* the std.
    This function will add and subtract y2 from y1.

    if meanstd:
        y1, y2 = y1 + y2, y1 - y2

    if x is None:
        return np.concatenate((y1, y2[::-1], y1[[0]]), axis)
        return (np.concatenate((y1, y2[::-1], y1[[0]]), axis),
                np.concatenate((x, x[::-1], x[[0]]), axis))

def calcFigSize(n, ax=np.array([1, 0]), frm=np.array([.5, .5]), norm=False):
    sz,vec = calcFigSize(n,ax,frame) calculates the width (or height)
    of a figure with *n* subplots.  Specify the width (height) of each
    subplot with *ax[0]*, the space between subplots with *ax[1]*, and
    the left/right (bottom/top) spacing with *frame[0]*/*frame[1]*.

    calcFigSize returns *sz*, a scalar, which is the width (or height)
    the figure should, and *vec*, which is the three element vector
    for input to saxes.

    See also: saxes, axes, calcAxesSize
    if hasattr(n, '__iter__'):
        n = np.sum(n)
    sz = n * ax[0] + (n - 1) * ax[1] + frm[0] + frm[1]
    frm = np.array(frm)
    ax = np.array(ax)
    if not (norm.__class__ is False.__class__ and not norm):
        # This checks that it is not the default.
        frm = frm / sz * norm
        ax = ax / sz * norm
        sz = norm
    v = np.array([frm[0], (sz - frm[1]), ax[1]]) / sz
    return sz, v

def calcAxesSize(n, totsize, gap, frame):
    Calculate the width of each axes, based on the total figure width
    (height) *totsize*, the desired frame size, *frame*, the desired
    spacing between axes *gap* and the number of axes *n*.

    calcAxesSize returns the size each axes should be, along with the
    three element vector for input to saxes.

    See also: saxes, axes, calcFigSize
    if hasattr(gap, '__len__'):
        gtot = np.sum(gap[:n])
        gtot = gap * (n - 1)
    axsz = (totsize - frame[0] - frame[1] - gtot) / n
    sz, v = calcFigSize(n, [axsz, gap], frame, False)
    return axsz, v

def calcAxesSpacer(n, totsize, gap, frame):
    Calculate the width of each axes, based on the total figure width
    (height) *totsize*, the desired frame size, *frame*, the desired
    spacing between axes *gap* and the number of axes *n*.

    calcAxesSize returns the size each axes should be, along with the
    three element vector for input to saxes.

    See also: saxes, axes, calcFigSize
    if hasattr(gap, '__len__'):
        gtot = np.sum(gap[:n])
        gtot = gap * (n - 1)
    axsz = (totsize - frame[0] - frame[1] - gtot) / n
    sz, v = calcFigSize(n, [axsz, gap], frame, False)
    return axsz, v

def axvec2axpos(n, vec, vertflag=False, rel=False):
    calculates the positions for the `n` axes, based on the axes
    vector `vec`.

    n : int
        The number of frames to make.
    vec : iterable(3)
          The (left/bottom,right/top,gap) surrounding and between
          the axes.
    vertflag : bool, optional (default: False)
               Specifies this is for vertical (True) or horizontal
    rel : iterable(`n`), optional
          This specifies the relative width of each of the axes. By
          default all axes are the same width.

    pos : iterable(`n`)
          specifies the position of each axes.
    wd : iterable(`n`)
         Specifies the width of each axes. Each entry will be the same
         unless `rel` is specified.


    The units of the returned variables match that of the input `vec`.


    if rel.__class__ is False.__class__ and not rel:
        # Default value.
        rel = np.ones(n)
    wd = (((vec[1] - vec[0]) + vec[2]) / n - vec[2]) * rel / rel.mean()
    if vertflag:
        pos = vec[1] - (wd + vec[2]).cumsum().reshape((n, 1)) + vec[2]
        wd = wd.reshape((n, 1))
        pos = vec[0] + (wd + vec[2]).cumsum().reshape((1, n)) - wd - vec[2]
        wd = wd.reshape((1, n))
    return pos, wd

def get_transform(ax, trans):
    if trans.__class__ is not str:
        return trans
    if hasattr(ax, trans):
        return getattr(ax, trans)
    return getattr(ax, 'trans' + trans)

def offset_text(ax, x, y, s, offset=(0, 0), transform=None, **kwargs):
    Add text to an axes offset from a location.

    *offset* specifies the offset (in points) from the selected *pos*.
    If *offset* is a two element list or tuple, it specifies a
    different offset in the x and y directions.

    Returns the text object.

    By default the *x*,*y* positions are in data coordinates.  Specify
    a different 'transform' to change this.

    if transform is None:
        transform = ax.transData
        transform = get_transform(ax, transform)
    if (offset.__class__ is list) or (offset.__class__ is tuple):
        osx = offset[0] / 72.
        osy = offset[1] / 72.
        osx = offset / 72.
        osy = offset / 72.
    trfrm = transform + transforms.ScaledTranslation(osx,
    return ax.text(x, y, s, transform=trfrm, **kwargs)

def annoteCorner(ax, s, pos='ll', offset=10, **kwargs):
    annotate a corner of an axes with a string.

    *ax* : axes
           is the axes into which to place the annotation.
    *s* : str
          is the text to place in the corner.
    *pos* : str {'ll','ul','lr','ur'}, tuple(2)
            The tuple form specifies the text locaiton in axes coordinates.

    *offset* : tuple(1 or 2)
               Specifies the offset from the selected *pos* (in points).

    t : text artist.
        Also, it creates a 'corner_label' attribute in the axes, with
        this text artist.

    If the string form of *pos* is used then the sign of *offset* is
    always such that it shifts the string toward the center.If it is a
    two element tuple or string, it specifies a different offset in
    the x and y directions.

    prm = {}
    yp = 0.0
    xp = 0.0
    prm['va'] = 'baseline'
    prm['ha'] = 'left'
    # prm['fontsize']='medium'
    if (offset.__class__ is list) or (offset.__class__ is tuple):
        osx = offset[0]
        osy = offset[1]
        osx = offset
        osy = offset
    if pos.__class__ is str:
        if pos[0] == 'u':
            osy = -osy
            yp = 1.
            prm['va'] = 'top'
        if pos[1] == 'r':
            osx = -osx
            xp = 1.
            prm['ha'] = 'right'
        xp = pos[0]
        yp = pos[1]
    prm['offset'] = (osx, osy)
    prm['transform'] = ax.transAxes

    for key in prm:
        if key not in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs[key] = prm[key]
    ax.corner_label = offset_text(ax, xp, yp, s, **kwargs)
    return ax.corner_label

def shadex(ax, x, y=[0, 1], transform='DataXAxesY', label='_nolegend_',
           zorder=-100, color='k', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='none', **kwargs):
    transform = get_transform(ax, transform)
    ax.fill_between(x, y[0], y[1], label=label, transform=transform,
                    zorder=zorder, color=color, alpha=alpha,
                    edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs)

def shadey(ax, y, x=[0, 1], transform='AxesXDataY', label='_nolegend_',
           zorder=-100, color='k', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='none', **kwargs):
    transform = get_transform(ax, transform)
    ax.fill_betweenx(y, x[0], x[1], label=label, transform=transform,
                     zorder=zorder, color=color, alpha=alpha,
                     edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs)

def _setaxesframe(ax, str):
    str = np.array(list(str))
    if any(str == 't') and any(str == 'b'):
    elif any(str == 't'):
    elif any(str == 'b'):

    if any(str == 'l') and any(str == 'r'):
    elif any(str == 'l'):
    elif any(str == 'r'):
        # for tk in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels

def alphNumAxes(axs, vals=lowercase, prefix='', suffix=')', **kwargs):
    Label the axes with alphanumeric characters.

    axs : iterable of axes objects
          The axes over which to add labels.

    vals : iterable of strings to annotate axes (default: 'abcdefg...')

    prefix : string (default '')
             The string to prefix to the label.

    suffix : string (default ')')
             The string to add to the end of the label.

    See also

    if suffix is None:
        suffix = ')'
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = ''
    corner_labels = np.empty(len(axs), 'O')
    for idx, ax in enumerate(axs):
        corner_labels[idx] = ax.annoteCorner(
            prefix + vals[idx] + suffix, **kwargs)