Source code for pyts.plot.psd
import matplotlib as mpl
[docs]def psd(u, sr, nfft):
Helper function to compute the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal.
u : array_like
The signal to compute the PSD of.
sr : float
The sample rate of `u`.
nfft : The number of points to use in computing the fft.
p : array_like
The power in the signal `u` as a function of frequency (units
of u squared/units of sr)
f : array_like
Frequency (same units as sr).
p, f = mpl.mlab.psd(
u, nfft, sr, detrend=mpl.pylab.detrend_linear, noverlap=nfft / 2)
return f[1:], p[1:]
[docs]def coh(u1, u2, sr, nfft):
Helper function to compute the coherence between two signals.
u1 : array_like
Signal 1.
u2 : array_like
Signal 2.
sr : float
The sample rate of `u`.
nfft : The number of points to use in computing the fft.
p : array_like
The coherence between the two signal (no units) as a function
of frequency.
f : array_like
Frequency (same units as sr).
p, f = mpl.mlab.cohere(u1, u2, nfft, sr,
noverlap=nfft / 2, scale_by_freq=False)
return f[1:], p[1:]