Source code for pyts.plot.superaxes

import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import new
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
transforms = mpl.transforms
Axes = mpl.axes.Axes
rcParams = mpl.rcParams
import _basefuncs as bf
# try:
# import pyPdf as pdf
# except:
# pdf=None

[docs]def skip_ticklabels(ax, rep=2, offset=0, axis='x', force=True): """ hide the ticklabels on ticks except for every *rep*'th tick. *offset* specifies an offset, of tick to start on. *axis* specifies the x (default) or y axis. when *force* is True (default) this function turns on every *rep*'th tick. """ if axis == 'x': tks = ax.get_xticklabels() else: tks = ax.get_yticklabels() for idx, tk in enumerate(tks): if np.mod(idx + offset, rep): tk.set_visible(False) elif force: tk.set_visible(True)
# class myAxes(matplotlib.axes.Axes):
[docs]class myaxes(mpl.axes.Axes): """ My own axes class. """ cpcolor = bf.cpcolor @property def transAxesXDataY(self,): return transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData) @property def transDataXAxesY(self,): return transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): # This just makes sure that my lines get drawn, # otherwise it just calls the axes' plot instance. super(myaxes, self).plot(*args, **kwargs) pylab.draw_if_interactive()
skip_ticklabels = skip_ticklabels labelax = bf.labelax #cbar = bf.cbar offset_text = bf.offset_text annoteCorner = bf.annoteCorner setaxesframe = bf._setaxesframe errorshadex = bf.errorshadex def __init__(self, fig=None, rect=None, **kwargs): if fig is None: fig = pylab.gcf() if rect is None: rect = [.15, .15, .75, .75] super(myaxes, self).__init__(fig, rect, **kwargs) fig.add_axes(self) pylab.draw_if_interactive()
[docs]def axes(*args, **kwargs): """ Add an axes at position rect specified by: - ``axes()`` by itself creates a default full ``subplot(111)`` window axis. - ``axes(rect, axisbg='w')`` where *rect* = [left, bottom, width, height] in normalized (0, 1) units. *axisbg* is the background color for the axis, default white. - ``axes(h)`` where *h* is an axes instance makes *h* the current axis. An :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance is returned. ======= ============ ================================================ kwarg Accepts Desctiption ======= ============ ================================================ axisbg color the axes background color frameon [True|False] display the frame? sharex otherax current axes shares xaxis attribute with otherax sharey otherax current axes shares yaxis attribute with otherax polar [True|False] use a polar axes? ======= ============ ================================================ Examples: * :file:`examples/pylab_examples/` places custom axes. * :file:`examples/pylab_examples/` uses *sharex* and *sharey*. This was copied from the pyplot axes function. Several methods have been added to the axes. """ nargs = len(args) if nargs == 0: args = [[.1, .1, .8, .8]] if nargs > 1: raise TypeError('Only one non keyword arg to axes allowed') arg = args[0] axd = {} newd = {} newd['lw'] = rcParams['axes.linewidth'] try: axd['axisbg'] = kwargs.pop('axisbg') except: pass for nm in ['axisbg', 'frameon', 'sharex', 'sharey', 'polar', ]: if nm in kwargs.keys(): axd[nm] = kwargs.pop(nm) if 'ticksize' in kwargs.keys(): newd['xticksize'] = kwargs.get('ticksize') newd['yticksize'] = kwargs.pop('ticksize') for nm in [('lw', 'linewidth'), 'linewidth', 'xticksize', 'yticksize', ('fs', 'fontsize'), 'fontsize', 'xlocation', 'ylocation']: if nm.__class__ is tuple: ky = nm[0] nm = nm[1] else: ky = nm nm = nm if ky in kwargs: newd[nm] = kwargs.pop(ky) if ('fig' not in kwargs.keys()) and ('figure' not in kwargs.keys()): fig = pylab.gcf() elif 'figure' in kwargs.keys(): fig = kwargs.pop('figure') else: fig = kwargs.pop('fig') if isinstance(arg, mpl.axes.Axes): a = else: rect = arg a = fig.add_axes(rect, **axd) a.set(**kwargs) if 'xlocation' in newd.keys(): a.xaxis.set_ticks_position(newd['xlocation']) if newd['xlocation'] == 'top': a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) elif newd['xlocation'] == 'bottom': a.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if 'ylocation' in newd.keys(): a.yaxis.set_ticks_position(newd['ylocation']) if newd['ylocation'] == 'right': a.spines['left'].set_visible(False) elif newd['ylocation'] == 'left': a.spines['right'].set_visible(False) if 'lw' in newd.keys(): for sp in a.spines: a.spines[sp].set_linewidth(newd['lw']) for tck in a.xaxis.get_ticklines(): tck.set_mew(newd['lw']) for tck in a.yaxis.get_ticklines(): tck.set_mew(newd['lw']) if 'xticksize' in newd.keys(): for tck in a.xaxis.get_ticklines(): tck.set_ms(newd['xticksize']) if 'yticksize' in newd.keys(): for tck in a.yaxis.get_ticklines(): tck.set_ms(newd['yticksize']) if 'fontsize' in newd.keys(): for tklbl in a.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): tklbl.set_fontsize(newd['fontsize']) for tklbl in a.yaxis.get_ticklabels(): tklbl.set_fontsize(newd['fontsize']) a.transAxesXDataY = transforms.blended_transform_factory( a.transAxes, a.transData) a.transDataXAxesY = transforms.blended_transform_factory( a.transData, a.transAxes) a.shadex = new.instancemethod(bf.shadex, a, Axes) a.shadey = new.instancemethod(bf.shadey, a, Axes) a.setaxesframe = new.instancemethod(bf._setaxesframe, a, Axes) a.annoteCorner = new.instancemethod(bf.annoteCorner, a, Axes) a.offset_text = new.instancemethod(bf.offset_text, a, Axes) a.cpcolor = new.instancemethod(bf.cpcolor, a, Axes) a.labelax = new.instancemethod(bf.labelax, a, Axes) a.skip_ticklabels = new.instancemethod(skip_ticklabels, a, Axes) a.errorshadex = new.instancemethod(bf.errorshadex, a, Axes) # a.plot_specobj=new.instancemethod(plot_specobj,a,Axes) pylab.draw_if_interactive() return a
[docs]class axgroup(object): alphNumAxes = bf.alphNumAxes @property def size(self,): return self.axes.size @property def ax(self,): """ A shortcut to 'self.axes' """ return self.axes def __len__(self,): return len(self.axes) def __iter__(self,): for ax in self.axes.flatten(): yield ax
[docs] def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, val): if hasattr(val, '__len__'): for v in val: if v.__class__ is slice: return axgroup(self.axes[val]) elif val.__class__ is slice: return axgroup(self.axes[val]) return self.axes[val]
[docs] def xgrid(self, b=None, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.xaxis.grid(b, **kwargs)
[docs] def ygrid(self, b=None, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.yaxis.grid(b, **kwargs)
[docs] def shadex(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.shadex(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def shadey(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.shadey(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def hln(self, y=0, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.hln(y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def vln(self, x=0, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.vln(x, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_between(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Iterates a fill_between call over all axes in the group. See fill_between """ for ax in self: ax.fill_between(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_betweenx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Iterates a fill_betweenx call over all axes in the group. See fill_betweenx """ for ax in self: ax.fill_betweenx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_xscale(self, val): for ax in self: ax.set_xscale(val)
[docs] def set_yscale(self, val): for ax in self: ax.set_yscale(val)
[docs] def set_xlim(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.set_xlim(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ylim(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.set_ylim(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_xticks(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.set_xticks(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_yticks(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.set_yticks(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_ylabel(self, lbls, *args, **kwargs): if lbls.__class__ is not list: lbls = list(lbls) if len(lbls) == 1: lbls = lbls * len(self) for ax, lbl in zip(self, lbls): ax.set_ylabel(lbl, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_xlabel(self, lbls, *args, **kwargs): if lbls.__class__ is not list: lbls = list(lbls) if len(lbls) == 1: lbls = lbls * len(self) for ax, lbl in zip(self, lbls): ax.set_xlabel(lbl, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, axes): self.axes = axes
[docs] def iterplot(self, iter, *args, **kwargs): for ax, (dat) in zip(self, iter): tmp = list(dat) + list(args) ax.plot(*tmp, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def offset_text(self, x, y, s, offset=(0, 0), *args, **kwargs): for ax in self: ax.offset_text(x, y, s, offset=offset, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def hide(self, objs='xticklabels', ax=None): """ Hide `objs` on all axes of this group *except* for those specified in `ax`. Parameters ---------- objs : str {'xticklabels', 'yticklabels', 'minorxticks', 'minoryticks'} or a list of these. ax : axes, optional (default: hide all) The axes (or list of axes) on which these items should **not** be hidden. Examples -------- Hide the xticklabels on all axes except ax0:: hide('xticklabels',self.ax0) To hide all xticklabels, simply do: hide('xticklabels') See also -------- antiset """ if objs.__class__ is str: objs = [objs] types = {'x': ['xticklabels', 'minorxticks'], 'y': ['yticklabels', 'minoryticks']} for obj in objs: if ax.__class__ is str and ax == 'all': axs = else: if ax is None: if obj in types['x'] and hasattr(self, '_xlabel_ax'): ax = self._xlabel_ax elif obj in types['y'] and hasattr(self, '_ylabel_ax'): ax = self._ylabel_ax else: # This gives default behavior? ax = [] if not hasattr(ax, '__len__'): ax = [ax] axs = list(set( - set(ax)) for axn in axs: if obj == 'xticklabels': pylab.setp(axn.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) elif obj == 'yticklabels': pylab.setp(axn.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) elif obj == 'minorxticks': pylab.setp(axn.xaxis.get_minorticklines(), visible=False) elif obj == 'minoryticks': pylab.setp(axn.yaxis.get_minorticklines(), visible=False) else: error
[docs] def set(self, **kwargs): pylab.setp(, **kwargs)
[docs] def antiset(self, ax, **kwargs): # Some backwards compatability stuff: if 'xticklabels' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['xticklabels'] == '': kwargs.pop('xticklabels') self.hide('xticklabels', ax) if 'yticklabels' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['yticklabels'] == '': kwargs.pop('yticklabels') self.hide('yticklabels', ax) if 'minorxticks' in kwargs.keys() and not kwargs['minorxticks']: kwargs.pop('minorxticks') self.hide('minorxticks', ax) if 'minoryticks' in kwargs.keys() and not kwargs['minoryticks']: kwargs.pop('minoryticks', ax) self.hide('minoryticks', ax) if len(kwargs) == 0: return # The meat: if not hasattr(ax, '__len__'): ax = [ax] pylab.setp(list(set( - set(ax)), **kwargs)
[docs]class axSharer(object):
[docs] def map_vals(self,): return set(
def __init__(self, saxes, share_map=False): self.saxes = saxes = np.zeros(saxes.n, dtype=np.uint16)[:] = share_map self._share_ax = {} def __getitem__(self, ind): return[ind] def __setitem__(self, ind, val):[ind] = val
[docs] def __call__(self, iv, ih): """ Returns the 'prime' axes to be shared for the axes at grid-point (iv,ih). Parameters ---------- (iv,ih) : The index of the axgrid for which you want the shareax. Returns ------- shareax : :class:`axes`, or :class:`None`. `None` if the axis does not share an axes, or one has not yet been created that it matches. """ mapVal =[iv, ih] if not mapVal: # mapVal==0 do not share axes. return elif mapVal in self._share_ax: # The mapVal is already in the _share_ax dictionary return self._share_ax[mapVal] else: axs = self.saxes.axes[ == mapVal] if np.any(axs): # An axis for this mapVal has been created. Add it to # the _share_ax dict. self._share_ax[mapVal] = axs[np.nonzero(axs)][0] return self._share_ax[mapVal] else: # No axis exists yet for this mapVal. return
[docs]class axSpacer(object): """ Defines the position and size of axes in either the horizontal or vertical direction. Parameters ---------- axsize : array_like(n,float) An array specifying the size of each axes in inches. gap : array_like(n+1,float) An array specifying the spacing in inches between axes. The first element is the distance from the left/bottom of the figure to the first axes, the last element is the distrance from the right/top of the figure to the last axes. vertical : bool (default: False) A flag specifying that this is a 'vertical' axSpacer (flips ordering of axes positions so that the first axes is at the top of the figure). """ @property def axsize_(self,): """ The figure-units axes sizes, array_like. """ return self.axsize / self.totsize @axsize_.setter def axsize_(self, val): self.axsize = val * self.totsize @property def gap_(self,): """ The figure-units gap between axes, array_like. """ return / self.totsize @gap_.setter def gap_(self, val): = val * self.totsize @property def pos_(self,): """ The figure-units position of the axes, array_like. """ return self.pos / self.totsize @property def n(self): """ The number of axes described by this axSpacer. """ return len(self.axsize) def __len__(self,): return self.n def __init__(self, axsize=[1, 1], gap=[.7, .2, .2], vertical=False): self.axsize = axsize = gap # self.units=units # Add support for units other than inches. self.vertical = vertical @property def axsize(self,): """ The axes size, in inches. """ return self.__axsize @axsize.setter def axsize(self, val): self.__axsize = np.array(val) @property def gap(self): """ The gap between axes, in inches. """ return self.__gap @gap.setter def gap(self, val): self.__gap = np.array(val) def __iter__(self,): for pos, wid in zip(self.pos_, self.axsize_): yield pos, wid @property def pos(self): if self.vertical: return (np.cumsum(self.axsize +[:-1]) - self.axsize)[::-1] else: return np.cumsum(self.axsize +[:-1]) - self.axsize @property def totsize(self,): return self.axsize.sum() + @totsize.setter def totsize(self, val): self.__axsize *= val / self.totsize self.__gap *= val / self.totsize @property def frame(self,): """ The bounding 'frame' around the axes, in inches. """ return[[0, -1]]
[docs]def axvec2axSpacer(n, vec, vertflag, rel=False): """ Returns an :class:`axSpacer` corresponding to the `n` axes based on the axes vector `vec`. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of axes. vec : iterable(3) The (left/bottom,right/top,gap) surrounding and between the axes. vertflag : bool, optional (default: False) Specifies this is for vertical (True) or horizontal spacing. rel : iterable(`n`), optional This specifies the relative width of each of the axes. By default all axes are the same width. Returns ------- axSpacer : :class:`axSpacer` The axes spacer object corresponding to the specified inputs. Notes ----- The units of the returned axSpacer match that of the input `vec`. """ if rel.__class__ is False.__class__ and not rel: # Default value. rel = np.ones(n) wd = (((vec[1] - vec[0]) + vec[2]) / n - vec[2]) * rel / rel.mean() gap = np.empty((len(wd) + 1), dtype=wd.dtype) gap[0] = vec[0] gap[1:-1] = vec[2] gap[-1] = vec[1] return axSpacer(wd, gap, vertflag)
[docs]def simpleAxSpacer(n, axsize, gap, frm=np.array([.5, .5]), vertical=False): """ calculates the width (or height) of a figure with *n* subplots. Specify the width (height) of each subplot with *ax[0]*, the space between subplots with *ax[1]*, and the left/right (bottom/top) spacing with *frame[0]*/*frame[1]*. See also: saxes, axes, calcAxesSize """ gap = np.ones(n + 1) * gap gap[0] = frm[0] gap[-1] = frm[1] return axSpacer(np.ones(n) * axsize, gap, vertical=vertical)
[docs]class axPlacer(object): """ Axes placers contain the information on where axes objects should be placed in a figure object. Parameters ---------- vSpacer : :class:`axSpacer` The vertical axes spacer object. hSpacer : :class:`axSpacer` The horizontal axes spacer object. """ @property def n(self,): return self.vSpacer.n, self.hSpacer.n
[docs] def __call__(self, iv, ih): return (self.hSpacer.pos_[ih], self.vSpacer.pos_[iv], self.hSpacer.axsize_[ih], self.vSpacer.axsize_[iv])
@property def figSize(self,): """ Width x Height in inches. """ return (self.hSpacer.totsize, self.vSpacer.totsize) def __iter__(self,): for iv in range(self.n[0]): for ih in range(self.n[1]): yield self(iv, ih) @property def axes_positions(self,): """ Returns a list of location tuples (left, bottom, width, height) for axes objects. """ return list(self.__iter__()) def __init__(self, vSpacer, hSpacer): if not vSpacer.vertical: raise Exception("The vSpacer must have property `vertical`=True") self.vSpacer = vSpacer self.hSpacer = hSpacer
[docs]class saxes_szr(axgroup): @property def n(self,): return self.axPlacer.n def __init__(self, axPlacer, **kwargs): self.axes = np.empty(axPlacer.n, dtype='object') self.linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', rcParams['axes.linewidth']) self.axPlacer = axPlacer self.sharex = axSharer(self, kwargs.pop('sharex', False)) self.sharey = axSharer(self, kwargs.pop('sharey', False)) self.drawax = np.ones(axPlacer.n, dtype='bool') for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def set_ylabel_pos(self, pos, axs=None,): if axs is None: axs = for ax in axs: ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(pos, 0.5)
[docs] def xlabel(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is different than 'set_xlabel' because it sets the xlabel only for the 'self._xlabel_ax'. """ self._xlabel_ax.set_xlabel(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ylabel(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is different than 'set_ylabel' because it sets the ylabel only for the 'self._ylabel_ax'. """ self._ylabel_ax.set_ylabel(*args, **kwargs)
def _iter_axinds(self,): for iv in range(self.n[0]): for ih in range(self.n[1]): yield iv, ih
[docs] def drawall(self, **kwargs): if not self.n == self.drawax.shape: self.drawax = np.ones(self.n, dtype='bool') if 'lw' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['linewidth'] = kwargs.pop('lw', self.linewidth) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['linewidth'] = self.linewidth else: self.linewidth = kwargs['linewidth'] inter = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.interactive(False) # wait to draw the axes, until they've all been # created. for iv, ih in self._iter_axinds(): if self.drawax[iv, ih]:[iv, ih] = axes(self.axPlacer(iv, ih), sharex=self.sharex(iv, ih), sharey=self.sharey(iv, ih), **kwargs) self._xlabel_ax =[-1, 0] self._ylabel_ax = self._xlabel_ax pylab.interactive(inter) pylab.draw_if_interactive() return
[docs]class saxes(saxes_szr): """ Create an axes object using S(uper)AXES. Use keyword argument fig=<figure object> to specify the figure in which to create the axes. Notes ----- n=(3,4) to set up a 3x4 array of axes. n=(3,[1,1,1,.5]) to set up a 3x4 array of axes with the last column half the width of the others. n=([1,1,1.5],[1,1,1,.5]) to set up a 3x4 array of axes with the last row 1.5 times as tall and the last column half as wide. h=(.1,.9,.05) to create the horizontal frame box at .1 and .9, with gaps of .05 between each axes. v=(.1,.9,.05) similarly for the vertical frame/gap. drawax=L, where L is a logical array of the axes you actually want to draw (default is all of them). sharex=True, chooses whether the axes share an xaxis. sharey=True, chooses whether the axes share a yaxis. """ n = None # Override the property above. def __init__(self, n=(1, 1), h=[.1, .9, .05], v=[.1, .9, .05], **kwargs): self.linewidth = rcParams['axes.linewidth'] nax = [1, 1] if hasattr(n[0], '__iter__'): nax[0] = len(n[0]) self.vrel = np.array(n[0], dtype='float32') else: nax[0] = n[0] self.vrel = np.ones(n[0], dtype='float32') if hasattr(n[1], '__iter__'): nax[1] = len(n[1]) self.hrel = np.array(n[1], dtype='float32') else: nax[1] = n[1] self.hrel = np.ones(n[1], dtype='float32') self.n = nax self.h = h self.v = v self.sharex = np.ones(nax, dtype='int8') self.sharey = np.ones(nax, dtype='int8') self._sharex_ax = np.empty(16, dtype='object') self._sharey_ax = np.empty(16, dtype='object') self.axes = np.empty(self.n, dtype='object') self.drawax = np.ones(nax, dtype='bool') for key in kwargs: if key == 'sharey' and kwargs[key].__class__ is bool: self.sharey[:] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'sharex' and kwargs[key].__class__ is bool: self.sharex[:] = kwargs[key] else: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def axgrid(self): axg = np.ones((self.n[0], self.n[1], 4)) axg[:, :, 0], axg[:, :, 2] = bf.axvec2axpos(self.n[1], self.h, rel=self.hrel) axg[:, :, 1], axg[:, :, 3] = bf.axvec2axpos(self.n[0], self.v, True, rel=self.vrel) return axg
[docs] def drawall(self, **kwargs): if not self.n == self.drawax.shape: self.drawax = np.ones(self.n, dtype='bool') if not self.n[1] == self.hrel.shape[0]: self.hrel = np.ones(self.n[1], dtype='float32') if not self.n[0] == self.vrel.shape[0]: self.vrel = np.ones(self.n[0], dtype='float32') if 'lw' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['linewidth'] = kwargs.pop('lw', self.linewidth) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['linewidth'] = self.linewidth else: self.linewidth = kwargs['linewidth'] forcesharex = False forcesharey = False if 'sharex' in kwargs.keys(): forcesharex = True if 'sharey' in kwargs.keys(): forcesharey = True inter = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.interactive(False) # wait to draw the axes, until they've all been # created. axg = self.axgrid() for iv in range(self.n[0]): for ih in range(self.n[1]): if forcesharex: # I should put this functionality into a func. pass elif (self.sharex[iv, ih] and self._sharex_ax[self.sharex[iv, ih]]): kwargs['sharex'] = self._sharex_ax[self.sharex[iv, ih]] elif 'sharex' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop('sharex') if forcesharey: pass elif (self.sharey[iv, ih] and self._sharey_ax[self.sharey[iv, ih]]): kwargs['sharey'] = self._sharey_ax[self.sharey[iv, ih]] elif 'sharey' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop('sharey') if self.drawax[iv, ih]: #[iv,ih]=myaxes(axg[iv,ih,:],**kwargs)[iv, ih] = axes(axg[iv, ih, :], **kwargs) if self.sharex[iv, ih] and not\ self._sharex_ax[self.sharex[iv, ih]]: self._sharex_ax[self.sharex[iv, ih]] =[iv, ih] if self.sharey[iv, ih] and not\ self._sharey_ax[self.sharey[iv, ih]]: self._sharey_ax[self.sharey[iv, ih]] =[iv, ih] self._xlabel_ax =[-1, 0] self._ylabel_ax = self._xlabel_ax pylab.interactive(inter) pylab.draw_if_interactive() return
[docs]class fig_meta(object): title = None author = u'Levi Kilcher' script = None producer = u'matplotlib ' + mpl.__version__ + ',' description = None keywords = None _fields = ['title', 'author', 'script', 'producer', 'description', 'keywords'] def __repr__(self,): ostring = '<ptools.fig_meta object>\n' for fld in self._fields: ostring += '%16s' % (fld) + ' : ' + str(getattr(self, fld)) + '\n' return ostring
[docs] def write_pdf(self, fname): pass
[docs] def write(self, fname): if fname.endswith('.pdf'): self.write_pdf(fname) elif fname.endswith('.svg'): pass # self.write_svg(fname) else: pass
[docs]class figobj(axgroup): """ A base class for axes-grid figures. Parameters ---------- fignum : int Figure number nax : tuple(2 ints) Shape of the axes grid. saxparams : dict input arguments to saxes. axsize : tuple(2 floats) specifies the size of the axes [vertical,horizontal] in inches. frame : iterable(4) specifies the frame around the axes [bottom,top,left,right], in inches (default: [.6,.3,1,.3]). gap : tuple(2 floats) or float specifies the gap between axes [vertical,horizontal], in inches (default: [.2,.2]). hrel : iterable specifies the relative horizontal size of each axes. vrel : iterable specifies the relative vertical size of each axes. """ nax = (1, 1)
[docs] def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs): self.fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs) self.meta.write(args[0])
[docs] def sax_params(self, **kwargs): return kwargs
[docs] def saxes(self, nax=None, **kwargs): if nax is None: nax = self.nax self.sax = saxes(nax, **self.sax_params(**kwargs)) self.sax.drawall() self.axes =
[docs] def initFig(self, fignum, nax=None, **kwargs): figkws = {} figkws['figsize'] = kwargs.pop('figsize', None) self.fig = pylab.figure(fignum, **figkws) if figkws['figsize'] is not None: self.fig.set_size_inches(figkws['figsize'], forward=True) self.clf = self.fig.clf self.clf() if 'title' in kwargs.keys(): self.fig.canvas.set_window_title( 'Fg%d: ' % (self.fig.number) + kwargs['title'])
def __init__(self, fignum, nax=None, axsize=None, frame=[.6, .3, 1, .3], gap=.4, **kwargs): saxparams = {} if nax is None: nax = [1, 1] if 'vrel' in kwargs.keys(): nax[0] = saxparams['vrel'] = kwargs['vrel'] self.meta = fig_meta() if axsize is not None: axsize = bf.pair(axsize) gap = bf.pair(gap) kwargs['figsize'] = np.zeros(2) kwargs['figsize'][0], saxparams['h'] = bf.calcFigSize( nax[1], ax=[axsize[1], gap[1]], frm=frame[2:]) kwargs['figsize'][1], saxparams['v'] = bf.calcFigSize( nax[0], ax=[axsize[0], gap[0]], frm=frame[:2]) saxparams['sharex'] = kwargs.pop('sharex', True) saxparams['sharey'] = kwargs.pop('sharey', False) if 'saxparams' in kwargs.keys(): saxparams.update(**kwargs.pop('saxparams')) self.initFig(fignum, **kwargs) self.saxes(nax=nax, **saxparams) def __enter__(self,): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, trace): pass
[docs]class sfig(axgroup):
[docs] def clf(self): self.fig.clf()
@property def axes(self,): return self.sax.axes @property def ax(self,): return self.sax.axes def __init__(self, fignum, axPlacer, **kwargs): self.meta = fig_meta() self.fig = pylab.figure(fignum, figsize=axPlacer.figSize) if 'title' in kwargs.keys(): self.fig.canvas.set_window_title( 'Fg%d: ' % (self.fig.number) + kwargs['title']) self.clf() self.sax = saxes_szr(axPlacer, **kwargs) self.sax.drawall()