Source code for pyts.profModels.base
This is the velocity profile package's base module.
from ..base import np, gridProps, calcObj, modelBase, ts_float
[docs]class profObj(gridProps, calcObj):
Profile objects contain the array (self.array) of mean-velocity
values for a specific PyTurbSim run.
Profile objects are created with/for a specific PyTurbSim run.
tsrun : :class:`tsrun <pyts.main.tsrun>`
The PyTurbSim run object in which the profile will be
See also
profModelBase : The abstract base class for classes that create this class.
def __init__(self, tsrun):
self.grid = tsrun.grid
self.array = np.zeros(
[3] + list(self.grid.shape), dtype=ts_float, order='F')
def _dudz(self,):
This is a property for creating/returning the vertical shear.
if not hasattr(self, '_val_dudz'):
self._val_dudz = np.concatenate(
((self.array[:, 1] - self.array[:, 0])[:, None, :] /,
(self.array[:, 2:] - self.array[:, :-2]) / (2 *,
(self.array[:, -1] - self.array[:, -2])[:, None, :] /,
return self._val_dudz
def uhub(self,):
The u-component hub-height wind speed.
return self.u[self.grid.ihub]
def u(self,):
The w-component of the mean velocity field.
return self.array[0]
def v(self,):
The w-component of the mean velocity field.
return self.array[1]
def w(self,):
The w-component of the mean velocity field.
return self.array[2]
def dudz(self,):
The vertical derivative of the u-component of the mean velocity field.
(Centered difference)
return self._dudz[0]
def dvdz(self,):
The vertical derivative of the v-component of the mean velocity field.
(Centered difference)
return self._dudz[1]
def dwdz(self,):
The vertical derivative of the w-component of the mean velocity field.
(Centered difference)
return self._dudz[2]
[docs]class profModelBase(modelBase):
A base class for TurbSim profile models.