Source code for pyts.profModels.power
The NWTC power-law profile model.
from .base import profModelBase, profObj
[docs]class nwtc(profModelBase):
r"""Power-law wind profile model.
.. math::
\bar{U}(z) = U_{ref} * ( z / Z_{ref} )^{PLexp}
URef : float
Reference velocity for the wind profile [m/s].
Zref : float
Reference height of the reference velocity [m].
PLexp : float
The power-law exponent to be utilized for this
simulation [non-dimensional], default=1/7.
def __init__(self, Uref, Zref, PLexp=1. / 7.):
self.Uref = Uref
self.Zref = Zref
self.PLexp = PLexp
def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun, ):
sumstring_format = """
Profile model used = {dat.model_desc}
Reference velocity (URef) = {dat.Uref:0.2f} [m/s]
Reference Height (Zref) = {dat.Zref:0.2f} [m]
Power-low exponent (PLexp) = {dat.PLexp:0.2f}
return sumstring_format.format(dat=self)
[docs] def model(self, z):
The function for calculating the mean velocity profile.
# Note: this function is separated from the __init__ routine so that it
# can be utilized by other modules
return self.Uref * (z / self.Zref) ** self.PLexp
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun):
Create and calculate the mean-profile object for a `tsrun`
tsrun : :class:`.tsrun`
A TurbSim run object.
out : :class:`.profObj`
A power-law wind-speed profile for the grid in `tsrun`.
out = profObj(tsrun)
out[0] = self.model(out.grid.z)[:, None]
return out