Source code for pyts.specModels.base
This is the turbulence spectrum package's base module.
from ..base import modelBase, ts_float, np, gridProps, calcObj
from numpy import trapz
[docs]class specObj(gridProps, calcObj):
Spectral objects contain the array (self.array) of turbulence
spectra values for a specific PyTurbSim run. This class defines
various shortcuts to the data.
tsrun : `tsrun` type
The PyTurbSim run object in which the spectra will be used.
def __init__(self, tsrun):
self.grid = tsrun.grid
self.array = np.zeros((tsrun.grid.n_comp,
dtype=ts_float, order='F')
def Suu(self,):
This is the u-component of the TKE spectrum.
return self.array[0]
def Svv(self,):
This is the v-component of the TKE spectrum.
return self.array[1]
def Sww(self,):
This is the w-component of the TKE spectrum.
return self.array[2]
def tke(self,):
This is the component-wise turbulent kinetic energy.
return trapz(self.array, x=self.f, axis=-1)
def flat(self,):
Return the partially-flattened spectral array. This flattens
the spatial dimensions of the spectral array (component and
frequency dimensions are retained).
For example, for a 5 x 4 spatial grid (nz=5,ny=4) with 1000
frequency values, the size of the array in this spectral
object will be 3 x 5 x 4 x 1000. Performing this flatten
operation will return a 3 x 20 x 1000 shaped spectral
array. The ordering (row-major or column-major) is defined in
the spatial grid class.
This is used for input into the functions that calculate the
return self.grid.flatten(self.array)
[docs]class specModelBase(modelBase):
A base class for TurbSim spectral models.
pow5_3 = ts_float(5. / 3.)
pow2_3 = ts_float(2. / 3.)