Source code for pyts.specModels.hydro

This module contains the turbulence models for the aquatic environment.

from .base import specModelBase, np, specObj, ts_float

[docs]class tidal(specModelBase): r"""Tidal Channel spectral model. The tidal spectral model is based on measurements from Admiralty Inlet, in Puget Sound, WA. Parameters ---------- Ustar : float bottom boundary friction velocity [m/s]. Zref : float Reference height at which u'w' stress nears zero [m]. Notes ----- This model is similar to :class:`.NWTC_stable`, but uses different values for :attr:`coef`, and does not support new fit-coefficients. The form of this model is: .. math:: S_k(f) = \frac{\sigma_k^2 \mathrm{coef}[k,0]}{1+\mathrm{coef}[k,1](f/\hat{f})^{5/3}} \qquad k=0,1,2\ (u,v,w) Where, :math:`\hat{f}=\frac{\partial \bar{u}}{\partial z}` :math:`\bar{u}` is the mean velocity from the :class:`.profObj`. :math:`\sigma_k^2 = U_{*}^2 \alpha_k exp(-2 z/Zref)` :math:`\alpha_k = (4.4,2.25,0.9)` See also -------- :attr:`coef` : The 'fit coefficients' """ coef = np.array([[1.21, 4.3], [0.33, 0.50], [0.23, 0.26]], dtype=ts_float) def __init__(self, Ustar, Zref): self.Ustar = Ustar self.Zref = Zref def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun, ): sumstring_format = """ Turbulence model used = {dat.model_desc} Turbulence velocity (UStar) = {dat.Ustar:0.4g} [m/s] Log roughness scale (Zref) = {dat.Zref:0.4g} [m] """ return sumstring_format.format(dat=self)
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun): """Create the spectral object for :class:`.tsrun`. Parameters ---------- tsrun : :class:`.tsrun` A TurbSim run object. Returns ------- out : :class:`.specObj` An IEC spectral object for the grid in :class:`.tsrun`. """ out = specObj(tsrun) dudz = np.abs([None, :, :, None]) out.sigma2 = self.Ustar ** 2 * np.array([4.5, 2.25, 0.9])[:, None] \ * np.exp(-2 * tsrun.grid.z[None, :] / self.Zref) out[:] = (out.sigma2[:, :, None, None] * self.coef[:, 0][:, None, None, None] / dudz ) / (1 + self.coef[:, 1][:, None, None, None] * (tsrun.grid.f[None, None, None, :] / dudz) ** self.pow5_3) return out
[docs]class river(tidal): """River turbulence spectral model. This model is based on measurements from the East River, in New York City. It is identical to the :class:`tidal` model, but uses different values for :attr:`coef`. """ # These fit positive velocity data in eastriver: coef = np.array([[1.057, 3.432], [0.351, 0.546], [0.265, 0.341]], dtype=ts_float)
## # These fit negative velocity data in eastriver: ## coef = np.array([[0.784, 2.085], ## [0.272, 0.357], ## [0.240, 0.290]], dtype=ts_float)