Source code for pyts.specModels.iec

This module contains the IEC turbulence models.

See the
`Original-TurbSim user manual
for more info on IEC spectral models.

from .base import specModelBase, np, ts_float, specObj
from ..misc import InvalidConfig, Lambda
import warnings

[docs]class iecbase(specModelBase): r""" This is a base class for the IEC spectral models (IECKAI and IECVKM). Parameters ---------- IECwindtype : str {'NTM'=normal, 'xETM'=extreme turbulence, 'xEWM1'=extreme 1-year wind, 'xEWM50'=extreme 50-year wind, where x=wind turbine class 1, 2, or 3} IECstandard : int {1} Currently this only supports IECstandard==1. IECstandard == 2 and 3 correspond to small and offshore wind, respectively, and have not yet been implemented here. IECedition : int {2,3} This is the 'edition' number of the -1 standard. IECturbc : str | float {'A','B','C'} The string form correspodes to the IEC turbulence 'categories'. If a float is provided, it specifies a specific value of Turbulence Intensity. ETMc : float, optional (2.0) ETMc specifies the value of the 'c' parameter in the equation for :math:`\sigma_u`. It is only used when `IECwindtype`=`xETM`. Notes ----- For further details on the IEC spectral models see the `Original-TurbSim user manual <>`_. """ def __init__(self, IECwindtype, IECstandard, IECedition, IECturbc, ETMc=None): self.IECwindtype = IECwindtype self.IECstandard = IECstandard self.IECedition = IECedition self.IECturbc = IECturbc self.ETMc = ETMc def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun): windtype_desc = {'NTM': 'Normal Turbulence Model', 'ETM': 'Extreme Turbulence Model', '1EWM1': 'Extreme 1-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 1)', '2EWM1': 'Extreme 1-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 2)', '3EWM1': 'Extreme 1-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 3)', '1EWM50': 'Extreme 50-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 1)', '2EWM50': 'Extreme 50-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 2)', '3EWM50': 'Extreme 50-Year Wind Speed Model (Class 3)', } edition_desc = {(1, 1): 'IEC 61400-1 Ed. 1: 1993', (1, 2): 'IEC 61400-1 Ed. 2: 1999', (1, 3): 'IEC 61400-1 Ed. 3: 2005', (2, 2): 'IEC 61400-2 Ed. 2: 2005', (3, 1): 'IEC 61400-3 Ed. 1: 2006', } sumstring_format = """ Turbulence model used = {TurbModel_desc} Turbulence characteristic = {IECturbc} IEC turbulence type = {IECwindtype_desc} IEC standard = {IECstandard_desc} IEC Length scale (Lambda) = {Lambda:0.4g} [m] IEC Sigma = {Sigma:0.4g} [m/s] ETM 'c' value = {etmc} """ data = dict( TurbModel_desc=self.model_desc, IECturbc=(self.IECturbc if isinstance(self.IECturbc, basestring) else '0.4g [%]'.format(self.IECturbc)), IECwindtype_desc=windtype_desc[self.IECwindtype], IECstandard_desc=edition_desc[(self.IECstandard, self.IECedition)], etmc='N/A' if self.ETMc is None else '{0:0.4g} [m/s]'.format(self.ETMc), Lambda=self.Lambda(tsrun.grid.zhub), Sigma=self.IEC_Sigma(, ) return sumstring_format.format(**data)
[docs] def Lambda(self, zhub): """ Compute the value of Lambda for height `zhub`. See also -------- :func:`pyts.misc.Lambda` """ return Lambda(zhub, self.IECedition)
def _check_ewm(self, grid): if (self.IECturbc.__class__ is str and self.IECstandard == 1 and self.IECedition == 3 and self.IECwindtype.upper()[1:4] == 'EWM' and self.grid.time_sec_out != 600.): warnings.warn("The extreme wind model is only valid \ for 10min(600s) runs. Setting \ 'UsableTime' to 600s.") grid.time_sec_out = 600.
[docs] def IEC_Sigma(self, uhub): r""" Calculate the default value of the standard deviation of u-component wind speed, :math:`\sigma` or :math:`\sigma_u`. Notes ----- For input :class:`IECturbc <iecbase>` a numeric value, it simply specifies the turbulence intensity. That is, .. math:: \sigma = \mathrm{IECturbc}\times u_{hub} Otherwise only IECversion == 1 is supported. In that case: - For IECedition == 2 the windtype must be 'NTM', in that case: .. math:: \sigma = Ti (\frac{15+\beta u_{hub}}{\beta + 1}) Where, Ti = (0.18,0.16) for input variable :class:`IECturbc <iecbase>` = ('a','b'), respectively. :math:`\beta` = (2.0,3.0) for input variable :class:`IECturbc <iecbase>` = ('a','b'), respectively. - For IECedition == 3, Ti=(0.16,0.14,0.12) for IECturbc=(a,b,c), respectively. In this case, different formulations are used for different :class:`IECwindtype <iecbase>`. - For IECwindtype == 'NTM': .. math:: \sigma = Ti(0.75u_{hub} + 5.6) - For IECwindtype == 'xETM', the value of 'x' in that string provides another input variable, Vref=(50,42.5,37.5) for x=1,2,3. .. math:: \sigma = \mathrm{ETMc} \times Ti (0.072(0.2 V_{ref}/\mathrm{ETMc}+3)(u_{hub}/\mathrm{ETMc}-4)+10) - For IECwindtype == 'xEWM1' | 'xEWM50', the same value of Vref apply and .. math:: \sigma = 0.11 V_{ref} """ iecver = self.IECstandard if self.IECturbc.__class__ is str: # !!!VERSION_INCONSISTENCY: add 'khtest' functionality. val = self.IECturbc.lower() wndtp = self.IECwindtype.lower() edi = self.IECedition if iecver is None: return None if iecver == 1: # Onshore-big wind. if edi == 2: # 2nd edition if (wndtp != 'ntm'): raise InvalidConfig("For IEC Turbulence models \ other than NTM, the iec edition must be 3.") if val == 'a': TurbInt15 = 0.18 SigmaSlope = 2.0 elif val == 'b': TurbInt15 = 0.16 SigmaSlope = 3.0 else: raise InvalidConfig( "For the 61400-1 2nd edition, IECturbc must be \ set to 'a', 'b', or a number (Turbulence \ intensity)." ) IEC_Sigma = TurbInt15 * \ ((15.0 + SigmaSlope * uhub) / (SigmaSlope + 1)) return IEC_Sigma elif edi == 3: # 3rd edition if val == 'a': TurbInt15 = 0.16 elif val == 'b': TurbInt15 = 0.14 elif val == 'c': TurbInt15 = 0.12 else: raise InvalidConfig( "For the 61400-1 3rd edition, IECturbc must be \ set to 'a', 'b', 'c', or a number (Turbulence \ intensity)." ) if wndtp == 'ntm': IEC_Sigma = TurbInt15 * (0.75 * uhub + 5.6) # /uhub return IEC_Sigma elif wndtp[0] not in ['1', '2', '3']: raise InvalidConfig( "A wind turbine class (1, 2 or 3) must be \ specified with the extreme turbulence and \ extreme wind types (e.g. '1ETM' or '2EWM')." ) elif wndtp[1:4] in ['etm', 'ewm']: Vref = {'1': 50, '2': 42.5, '3': 37.5}[wndtp[0]] wndtp = wndtp[1:] if wndtp == 'etm': if self.ETMc is None: self.ETMc = 2.0 IEC_Sigma = self.ETMc * TurbInt15 * \ (0.072 * (0.2 * Vref / self.ETMc + 3.) * ( uhub / self.ETMc - 4) + 10.) return IEC_Sigma else: return 0.11 * Vref else: raise InvalidConfig("Invalid 'IEC_WindType' specified in the input file.") elif iecver == 2: # Small wind. raise InvalidConfig("The 'small wind' spectral model (IEC version 2) is not " "implemented in PyTurbSim") elif iecver == 3: # Offshore wind. raise InvalidConfig("The offshore wind IEC spectral model (IEC version 3) is " "not implemented in PyTurbSim") else: # The IECturbc is numeric. if wndtp != 'ntm': raise InvalidConfig("If the 'IECturbc' input option is a number (specifying " "turbulence intensity), the IEC_WindType must be 'NTM'.")
[docs]class IECKai(iecbase): r"""IEC Kaimal spectral model. Notes ----- The form of this model is, .. math:: S_k(f) = \frac{4 \sigma_k^2/\hat{f}_k}{(1+6 f/\hat{f}_k )^{5/3}} \qquad \mathrm{for}\ k=u,v,w Where, :math:`\hat{f}_k = \alpha_k \bar{u}_{hub}/\Lambda` :math:`\alpha_k =` (8.1,2.7,0.66) for k= (u,v,w) :math:`\sigma_u` is defined in :attr:`IEC_Sigma <iecbase.IEC_Sigma>` :math:`\sigma_v=0.8\sigma_u` and :math:`\sigma_w=0.5\sigma_u` :math:`\Lambda` is defined in :attr:`Lambda <iecbase.Lambda>` """
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun): """Create the spectral object for a `tsrun` instance. Parameters ---------- tsrun : :class:`.tsrun` A TurbSim run object. Returns ------- out : :class:`.specObj` An IEC spectral object for the grid in `tsrun`. """ self._check_ewm(tsrun.grid) out = specObj(tsrun) sig2 = 4 * self.IEC_Sigma( ** 2 fctr = np.array([1, 0.64, 0.25], dtype=ts_float) L_u = self.Lambda(tsrun.grid.zhub) / * \ np.array([8.10, 2.70, 0.66], dtype=ts_float) for comp in self.comp: out[comp] = (sig2 * fctr[comp] * L_u[comp] / ( 1 + 6 * out.f * L_u[comp]) ** self.pow5_3)[None, None, :] return out
[docs]class IECVKm(iecbase): r"""IEC Von-Karman spectral model Notes ----- The form of this model is, .. math:: S_u(f) = \frac{4 \sigma^2/\hat{f}}{(1+71(f/\hat{f})^2)^{5/6}} S_v(f) = S_w(f) = (1+189(f/\hat{f})^2\frac{2\sigma^2/\hat{f}} {(1+71 (f/\hat{f})^2)^{11/6}} Where, :math:`\hat{f} = \bar{u}_{hub}/\Lambda` :math:`\sigma` is defined in :attr:`IEC_Sigma <iecbase.IEC_Sigma>` :math:`\Lambda` is defined in :attr:`Lambda <iecbase.Lambda>` """
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun): """ Create and calculate the spectral object for a `tsrun` instance. Parameters ---------- tsrun : :class:`.tsrun` A TurbSim run object. Returns ------- out : :class:`.specObj` An IEC spectral object for the grid in `tsrun`. """ self._check_ewm(tsrun.grid) out = specObj(tsrun) sig2 = 4 * self.IEC_Sigma( ** 2 L_u = 3.5 * self.Lambda(tsrun.grid.zhub) / dnm = 1 + 71 * (out.f * L_u) ** 2 out[0] = (sig2 * L_u / (dnm) ** 0.8333333)[None, None, :] out[2] = out[1] = (sig2 / 2 * L_u / (dnm) ** 1.8333333 * (1 + 189 * (out.f * L_u) ** 2))[None, None, :] return out