Source code for pyts.specModels.nwtc

This module contains the nwtc spectral models.
from .base import np, ts_float, specObj, specModelBase
from ..misc import zL
from .kelley_coefs import calc_nwtcup_coefs, p_coefs_unstable, f_coefs_unstable

[docs]class genNWTC(specModelBase): """ An abstract base class for NWTC spectral models. """
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun): """ Create and calculate the spectral object for a `tsrun` instance. Parameters ---------- tsrun : :class:`.tsrun` A TurbSim run object. Returns ------- out : :class:`.specObj` An NWTC spectral object for the grid in `tsrun`. """ out = specObj(tsrun) # !!!FIXTHIS: The following lines bind calculation to the # !!!MODEL. This goes against the PyTurbSim philosophy of # !!!keeping calculations separated from models. self.f = out.f self._work = np.zeros(out.n_f, dtype=ts_float) self.zhub = tsrun.grid.zhub # Fixing this will require something like changing: # out[comp][iz, iy] = model(z, u, comp) # to: # self.model(out, u, icomp, iz, iy) # Note here that u must be supplied explicitly because it is # not known to 'out'. # This would also require: # 1) deleting the self._work variable # 2) changing ``def L(self,)`` from a property to ``def # L(self, tsrun)`` and using tsrun.grid.zhub their. # 3) changing all calls to ``self.L`` accordingly. for iz in range(out.n_z): for iy in range(out.n_y): z = out.grid.z[iz] u =[iz, iy] for comp in out.grid.comp: self._work[:] = 0.0 out[comp][iz, iy] = self.model(z, u, comp) return out
[docs]class NWTC_stable(genNWTC): r"""The NWTC 'stable' spectral model. Parameters ---------- Ustar : float friction velocity [m/s]. zL : float The z/L stability parameter [non-dimensional] coef : array_like((3,2),dtype=float) spectral coefficients for this model. Notes ----- The specific form of this model is, .. math:: S_k(f) = \frac{U_{*}^2 A_k \hat{f}^{-1}\gamma}{1+B_k(f/\hat{f})^{5/3}} \qquad k=0,1,2\ (u,v,w) Where, :math:`\gamma=(\phi_E/\phi_M)^{2/3}` :math:`\hat{f}=\frac{\bar{u}\phi_M}{z}` :math:`\phi_E=(1+2.5 (z/L)^{0.6})^{1.5}` :math:`\phi_M=1+4.7*z/L` :math:`\bar{u}`, is the mean velocity at each grid-point, (taken from the profile model) :math:`A_k=\mathrm{scoef}[k,0] \mathrm{coef}[k,0]` :math:`B_k=\mathrm{scoef}[k,1] \mathrm{coef}[k,1]^{5/3}` See also -------- :attr:`s_coef` : These are the hard-wired :math:`\mathrm{scoef}` coefficients. """ s_coef = np.array([[79., 263.], [13., 32.], [3.5, 8.6]]) def __init__(self, Ustar, zL, coef=None): self.Ustar = Ustar self.Ustar2 = self.Ustar ** 2 self.zL = zL if coef is None: self.coefs = np.ones((3, 2), dtype=ts_float) else: self.coefs = coef def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun): sumstring_format = """ Turbulence model used = {dat.model_desc} Turbulence velocity (UStar) = {dat.Ustar:0.2f} [m/s] Stability parameter (z/L) = {dat.zL:0.2f} coefs u = [{p[0][0]:0.2f}, {p[0][1]:0.2f}] v = [{p[1][0]:0.2f}, {p[1][1]:0.2f}] w = [{p[2][0]:0.2f}, {p[2][1]:0.2f}] """ return sumstring_format.format(dat=self, p=self.coefs,) @property def _phie(self): return (1. + 2.5 * self.zL ** 0.6) ** 1.5 @property def _phim(self): return 1. + 4.7 * self.zL
[docs] def model(self, z, u, comp): """ Calculate the spectral model for height `z`, velocity `u`, and velocity component `comp`. """ coef = self.coefs[comp] z_u = z / u denom = (self.f / self._phim) numer = (self._phie / self._phim) ** self.pow2_3 / self._phim * self.Ustar2 if coef.ndim > 1: self._work[:] = 0 for c in coef: self._work += self.model(z, u, comp) return self._work return (coef[0] * self.s_coef[comp, 0] * numer * z_u / (1. + self.s_coef[comp, 1] * (coef[1] * z_u * denom) ** self.pow5_3))
[docs]class NWTC_unstable(genNWTC): r"""The NWTC 'unstable' spectral model. .. math:: S_k(f) = U_\mathrm{star}^2 G_k(f,\bar{u},z,ZI) \qquad k = u, v, w Where :math:`G_k` is a function that depends on the frequency, :math:`f`, the mean velocity :math:`\bar{u}`, the height :math:`z`, and the mixing layer depth :math:`ZI`. The exact form of :math:`G_k` can be found in this class's 'model' method. Parameters ---------- Ustar : float The friction velocity (at the bottom boundary). zL : float The ratio of the HubHt to the Monin-Obhukov length. ZI : float The friction boundary layer height. p_coefs : array_like(3,2), optional Fit coefficients for this model. f_coefs : array_like(3,2), optional Fit coefficients for this model. """ def __init__(self, Ustar, zL, ZI, p_coefs=None, f_coefs=None): self.Ustar = Ustar self.Ustar2 = self.Ustar ** 2 self.zL = zL self.ZI = ZI if p_coefs is None: self.p_coefs = p_coefs_unstable if f_coefs is None: self.f_coefs = f_coefs_unstable def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun, ): sumstring_format = """ Turbulence model used = {dat.model_desc} Turbulence velocity (UStar) = {dat.Ustar:0.4g} [m/s] Mixing layer depth (ZI) = {dat.ZI:0.4g} [m] Stability parameter (z/L) = {dat.zL:0.4g} Monin-Obhukov Length scale = {Lmo:0.4g} [m] p_coefs u = [{p[0][0]:0.4g}, {p[0][1]:0.4g}] v = [{p[1][0]:0.4g}, {p[1][1]:0.4g}] w = [{p[2][0]:0.4g}, {p[2][1]:0.4g}] f_coefs u = [{f[0][0]:0.4g}, {f[0][1]:0.4g}] v = [{f[1][0]:0.4g}, {f[1][1]:0.4g}] w = [{f[2][0]:0.4g}, {f[2][1]:0.4g}] """ return sumstring_format.format(dat=self, Lmo=self.L, p=self.p_coefs, f=self.f_coefs,) @property def L(self, ): if not hasattr(self, 'zhub'): raise Exception("The Monin-Obhukov is unknown until this " "model has been '__call__'d.") return self.zhub / self.zL
[docs] def model(self, z, u, comp): r""" Computes the spectrum for this 'unstable' spectral model. Parameters ---------- z : array_like (nz) Height above the surface [m]. u : array_like (nz,ny) Mean velocity [m/s]. comp : int {0,1,2} Index (u,v,w) of the spectrum to compute. Returns ------- spec : :class:`.specObj` The spectral object which contains the 'array' (property) of spectra at each point in the grid. Notes ----- The form of the u-compenent spectrum is: .. math:: S_u(f) = U_\mathrm{star}^2 \left( p_{u,1}\frac{\alpha}{1+( F_{u,1} \hat{f})^{5/3}} + p_{u,2}\frac{\beta}{( \delta_u + F_{u,2} f' )^{5/3} } \right ) The form of the v-compenent spectrum is .. math:: S_v(f) = U_\mathrm{star}^2 \left( p_{v,1}\frac{\alpha}{(1 + F_{v,1} \hat{f})^{5/3}} + p_{v,2}\frac{\beta}{( \delta_v + F_{v,2} f' )^{5/3} } \right ) The form of the w-compenent spectrum is: .. math:: S_w(f) = U_\mathrm{star}^2 \left( p_{w,1}\frac{\alpha}{(1 + F_{w,1} \hat{f})^{5/3}} \gamma + p_{w,2}\frac{\beta}{ 1 + F_{w,2} {f'} ^{5/3} } \right ) Where, :math:`\hat{f} = f ZI/\bar{u}` :math:`f' = f z/ \bar{u}` :math:`\alpha = ZI^{5/3}/(-\bar{u}L^{2/3})` :math:`\beta = z(1-z/ZI)^2/\bar{u}` :math:`\delta_u = 1+15 z/ZI` :math:`\delta_v = 1+2.8 z/ZI` :math:`\gamma = \frac{f'^2+0.09(z/ZI)^2}{f'^2+0.0225}` """ p_coef = self.p_coefs[comp] f_coef = self.f_coefs[comp] pow5_3 = self.pow5_3 z_ZI = z / self.ZI num0 = self.Ustar2 * self.ZI / u * (self.ZI / -self.L()) ** self.pow2_3 fZI_u = self.f * self.ZI / u z_u = z / u num1 = self.Ustar2 * z_u * (1 - z_ZI) ** 2 fz_u = self.f * z_u if comp == 0: tmp0 = 1 + 15 * z_ZI self._work = (p_coef[0] * num0 / (1 + (fZI_u * f_coef[0]) ** pow5_3) + p_coef[1] * num1 / (tmp0 + f_coef[1] * fz_u) ** pow5_3) elif comp == 1: tmp0 = 1 + 2.8 * z_ZI self._work = (p_coef[0] * num0 / (1 + f_coef[0] * fZI_u) ** pow5_3 + p_coef[1] * num1 / (tmp0 + f_coef[1] * fz_u) ** pow5_3) ## # Handle extra (e.g. wake, for outf_turb) coefficients: ## if coef.shape[0]>2 and not np.isnan(coef[2,0]+coef[2,1]): # self._work+=coef[2,0]*17*num1/(tmp0+coef[2,1]*9.5*fz_u)**pow5_3 else: self._work = (p_coef[0] * num0 / (1 + f_coef[0] * fZI_u) ** pow5_3 * np.sqrt((fz_u ** 2 + (0.3 * z_ZI) ** 2) / (fz_u ** 2 + 0.0225)) + p_coef[1] * num1 / (1 + f_coef[1] * fz_u ** pow5_3)) return self._work
[docs]def smooth(Ustar, Ri, ZI=None): """ Compute the 'smooth' spectral model. Parameters ---------- Ustar : float The bottom-boundary friction velocity [m/s]. Ri : float The Richardson number stability parameter. ZI : float, optional mixing layer depth [m]. Only needed for Ri<0. Returns ------- specModel : :class:`NWTC_stable` (Ri>0), or :class:`NWTC_unstable` (Ri<0) """ zl_ = zL(Ri, 'smooth') if zl_ >= 0: out = NWTC_stable(Ustar, zl_) else: out = NWTC_unstable(Ustar, zl_, ZI) return out
[docs]def nwtcup(Ustar, Ri, ZI=None): """ Compute the 'nwtcup' spectral model. Parameters ---------- Ustar : float The bottom-boundary friction velocity [m/s]. Ri : float The Richardson number stability parameter. ZI : float, optional mixing layer depth [m]. Only needed for Ri<0. Returns ------- specModel : :class:`NWTC_stable` (Ri>0), or :class:`NWTC_unstable` (Ri<0) """ zl_ = zL(Ri, 'nwtcup') coefs = calc_nwtcup_coefs(zl_) if zl_ >= 0: out = NWTC_stable(Ustar, zl_, coefs) else: out = NWTC_unstable(Ustar, zl_, ZI, coefs) return out