Source code for pyts.stressModels.hydro
from .base import stressModelBase, stressObj
[docs]class tidal(stressModelBase):
The 'tidal' model Reynold's stress model.
Ustar : float
The friction velocity at the bottom boundary (aka :math:`U_*`).
Zref : float
The height of the 'no-stress' level in the water-column.
The v'w' and u'v' components are zero. The u'w' component is:
.. math::
\overline{u'w'} = -U_*^2 (1-z/Z_{\mathrm{ref}})
for 0<z<Zref, and 0 elsewhere.
def __init__(self, Ustar, Zref):
self.Zref = Zref
self.Ustar = Ustar
def _sumfile_string(self, tsrun, ):
sumstring_format = """
Stress model used = {dat.model_desc}
Friction velocity (UStar) = {dat.Ustar:0.4g} [m/s]
Reference height (ZRef) = {dat.Zref:0.4g} [m]
return sumstring_format.format(dat=self, )
[docs] def __call__(self, tsrun):
Create and calculate the stress object for a `tsrun`
tsrun : :class:`.tsrun`
A TurbSim run object.
out : :class:`.stressObj`
A stress object for the grid in `tsrun`.
out = stressObj(tsrun)
out.upwp_[out.z < self.Zref] = -self.Ustar ** 2 * \
(1 - out.z[out.z < self.Zref][:, None] / self.Zref)
# The other components default to zero.
return out