Source code for pyts.stressModels.stress_freq

from .base import stressModelBase, np
from ..base import ts_float

[docs]class stressModelBase_f(stressModelBase): """ A stress-model base-class that supports setting the stress by controlling the frequency-dependent coherence between velocity components. """ def __new__(cls, turbModel, *args, **kwargs): self = super(stressModelBase_f, cls).__new__( cls, turbModel, *args, **kwargs) self._rstrCoh = np.zeros([self.n_comp] + list(self.grid.shape) + [self.n_f], dtype=ts_float) # In the future I need to overwrite the _setPhases routine to # allow for more control of the _rstrCoh array. For example: # It may be worthwhile to base the cross-coherence # function _rstrCoh, on observed cross-component # coherences (and phases). Perhaps this is a gaussion # distribution (with some width) of phase shifts # vs. frequency. For now we simply set a fraction of the # phase shifts to be the same between the components to # control the Reynold's stress. # For now, I have simply copied the code that was here before I simplified # the stressModelBase class. def _setPhases(self,): """ Here we control the Reynold's stress by setting the 'random' phases between components to be the same for a fraction of the frequencies. """ # fudge_factor=0.93 #!!!FIXTHIS: The 0.93 is a fudge factor to account # for ... ??? fudge_factor = 1 self._rstrCoh = self.stress[..., None] / self.stress_max[..., None] rstrmat = self.grid.flatten( self._rstrCoh) # This doesn't currently work srt = np.sort(np.abs(rstrmat), axis=0) #rem=1+srt[0]-srt[1]-srt[2] if ((1 + srt[0] - srt[1] - srt[2] < 0).any() or (((rstrmat < 0).sum(0) == 1) & (srt.sum(0) > 1)).any()): # We can't have rem<0, or only one negative correlation if the # total correlation is greater than 1. raise Exception('The input reynolds stresses are inconsistent.') ovr = np.minimum((srt[0] * srt[1] + srt[0] * srt[2]) / 2, srt[0]) # average the product of the smallest value with the # two larger ones. Then take the minimum value of that # with the smallest value. This is the 'overlap', i.e. # the fraction of points that will have the same phase # for all three components. ovr[(rstrmat < 0).sum(0) == 1] = 0 # If there is only 1 negative stress than the overlap must be zero. rgen = self.grid.randgen.rand shp = (self.grid.n_p, self.grid.n_f) #### # First we set the 'overlap' stress. i.e. the phases that are the same # (or opposite) for all three components. inds_used = (rgen(*shp) * fudge_factor) < ovr self.rand[2][inds_used] = np.sign( rstrmat[1][inds_used]) * self.rand[0][inds_used] self.rand[1][inds_used] = np.sign( rstrmat[0][inds_used]) * self.rand[0][inds_used] #### # Now set the u'v' non-overlap piece. inds = ((rgen(*shp) * fudge_factor) < np.abs(rstrmat[0]) - ovr) & (~inds_used) self.rand[1][inds] = np.sign(rstrmat[0][inds]) * self.rand[0][inds] inds_used |= inds #### # Now set the u'w' non-overlap piece. inds = ((rgen(*shp) * fudge_factor) < np.abs(rstrmat[1]) - ovr) & (~inds_used) self.rand[2][inds] = np.sign(rstrmat[1][inds]) * self.rand[0][inds] inds_used |= inds #### # Now set the v'w' non-overlap piece. inds = ((rgen(*shp) * fudge_factor) < np.abs(rstrmat[2]) - ovr) & (~inds_used) self.rand[2][inds] = np.sign(rstrmat[2][inds]) * self.rand[1][inds] inds_used |= inds