Source code for dolfyn.adv.turbulence

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from import VelBinner
from import base as db
from import slice1d_along_axis, nans_like
from scipy.special import cbrt

kappa = 0.41

[docs]class TurbBinner(VelBinner): """ Computes various averages and turbulence statistics from cleaned ADV data. Parameters ---------- n_bin : int The length of `bin` s, in number of points, for this averaging operator. n_fft : int (optional, default: n_fft = n_bin) The length of the FFT for computing spectra (must be < n_bin) """
[docs] def __call__(self, advr, out_type=None, omega_range_epsilon=[6.28, 12.57], Itke_thresh=0, window='hann'): """ Compute a suite of turbulence statistics for the input data advr, and return a `binned` data object. Parameters ---------- advr : :class:`ADVdata <base.ADVdata>` The raw adv data-object to `bin`, average and compute turbulence statistics of. omega_range_epsilon : iterable(2) The frequency range (low, high) over which to estimate the dissipation rate `epsilon` [rad/s]. Itke_thresh : The threshold for velocity magnitude for computing the turbulence intensity. Values of Itke where U_mag < Itke_thresh are set to NaN. (default: 0). window : 1, None, 'hann' The window to use for psds. Returns ------- advb : :class:`base.ADVbinned` Returns an 'binned' (i.e. 'averaged') data object. All fields of the input data object are averaged in n_bin chunks. This object also computes the following items over those chunks: - tke\_vec : The energy in each component (components are also accessible as :attr:`upup_ <>`, :attr:`vpvp_ <>`, :attr:`wpwp_ <>`) - stress : The Reynolds stresses (each component is accessible as :attr:`upwp_ <>`, :attr:`vpwp_ <>`, :attr:`upvp_ <>`) - sigma_Uh : The standard deviation of the horizontal velocity. - Spec : A data group containing the spectra of the velocity in radial frequency units. The data group contains: - vel : the velocity spectra array (m^2/s/radian)) - omega : the radial frequncy (radian / s) """ # warnings.warn("The instance.__call__ syntax of turbulence averaging" # " is being deprecated. Use the functional form, e.g. '" # "adv.turbulence.calc_turbulence(advr, n_bin={})', instead." # .format(self.n_bin)) if out_type is None: try: out_type = advr._avg_class except AttributeError: out_type = type(advr) out = out_type() self._check_indata(advr) self.do_avg(advr, out) noise = advr.get('doppler_noise', [0, 0, 0]) out['tke_vec'] = self.calc_tke(advr['vel'], noise=noise) out['stress'] = self.calc_stress(advr['vel']) out['sigma_Uh'] = (np.std(self.reshape(advr.U_mag), -1, dtype=np.float64) - (noise[0] + noise[1]) / 2) out.props['Itke_thresh'] = Itke_thresh out['Spec'] = db.FreqData() out['Spec']['vel'] = self.calc_vel_psd(advr['vel'], noise=noise, window=window) out['Spec']['omega'] = self.calc_omega() out.props['n_bin'] = self.n_bin out.props['n_fft'] = self.n_fft out.props['n_fft_coh'] = self.n_fft_coh # out.add_data('epsilon',self.calc_epsilon_LT83(out.Spec,, # out.U_mag,omega_range=omega_range_epsilon),'main') # out.add_data('Acov',self.calc_acov(advr['vel']),'corr') # out.add_data('Lint',self.calc_Lint(out.Acov,out.U_mag),'main') return out
[docs] def calc_epsilon_LT83(self, spec, omega, U_mag, omega_range=[6.28, 12.57]): r""" Calculate the dissipation rate from the spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec : |np.ndarray| (...,n_time,n_f) The spectrum array [m^2/s/radian] omega : |np.ndarray| (n_f) The frequency array [rad/s] U_mag : |np.ndarray| (...,n_time) The velocity magnitude [m/s] omega_range : iterable(2) The range over which to integrate/average the spectrum. Returns ------- epsilon : np.ndarray (...,n_time) The dissipation rate. Notes ----- This uses the `standard` formula for dissipation: .. math:: S(k) = \alpha \epsilon^{2/3} k^{-5/3} where :math:`\alpha = 0.5` (1.5 for all three velocity components), `k` is wavenumber and `S(k)` is the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum. With :math:`k \rightarrow \omega / U` then--to preserve variance-- :math:`S(k) = U S(\omega)` and so this becomes: .. math:: S(\omega) = \alpha \epsilon^{2/3} \omega^{-5/3} U^{2/3} LT83 : Lumley and Terray "Kinematics of turbulence convected by a random wave field" JPO, 1983, 13, 2000-2007. """ inds = (omega_range[0] < omega) & (omega < omega_range[1]) a = 0.5 f_shp = [1] * (spec.ndim - 1) + [inds.sum()] return np.mean(spec[..., inds] * (omega[inds].reshape(f_shp)) ** (5 / 3) / a, axis=-1) ** (3 / 2) / U_mag
[docs] def calc_epsilon_SF(self, veldat, umag, fs=None, freq_rng=[.5, 5.]): """ Calculate epsilon using the "structure function" (SF) method. Parameters ---------- veldat : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time, n_bin) The raw velocity signal (last dimension time) upon which to perform the SF technique. umag : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time) The bin-averaged horizontal velocity magnitude. fs : float The sample rate of `veldat` [hz]. freq_rng : iterable(2) The frequency range over which to compute the SF [hz]. Returns ------- epsilon : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time) The dissipation rate. """ fs = self._parse_fs(fs) dt = self.reshape(veldat) out = np.empty(dt.shape[:-1], dtype=dt.dtype) for slc in slice1d_along_axis(dt.shape, -1): up = dt[slc] lag = umag[slc[:-1]] / fs * np.arange(up.shape[0]) DAA = nans_like(lag) for L in range(int(fs / freq_rng[1]), int(fs / freq_rng[0])): DAA[L] = np.mean((up[L:] - up[:-L]) ** 2, dtype=np.float64) cv2 = DAA / (lag ** (2 / 3)) cv2m = np.median(cv2[np.logical_not(np.isnan(cv2))]) out[slc[:-1]] = (cv2m / 2.1) ** (3 / 2) return out
[docs] def up_angle(self, Uh_complex): """ Calculate the angle of the turbulence fluctuations. Parameters ---------- Uh_complex : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time * n_bin) The complex, raw horizontal velocity (non-binned). Returns ------- theta : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time) The angle of the turbulence [rad] """ dt = self.demean(Uh_complex) fx = dt.imag <= 0 dt[fx] = dt[fx] * np.exp(1j * np.pi) return np.angle(np.mean(dt, -1, dtype=np.complex128))
[docs] def calc_epsilon_TE01(self, advbin, advraw, omega_range=[6.28, 12.57]): """ Calculate the dissipation according to TE01. Parameters ---------- advbin : :class:`ADVbinned <base.ADVbinned>` The binned adv object. The following spectra and basic turbulence statistics must already be computed. advraw : :class:`ADVdata <base.ADVdata>` The raw adv object. Notes ----- TE01 : Trowbridge, J and Elgar, S, "Turbulence measurements in the Surf Zone" JPO, 2001, 31, 2403-2417. """ # Assign local names U_mag = np.abs(advbin.U) Itke = advbin.Itke theta = advbin.U_angle - self.up_angle(advraw.U) omega = # Calculate constants alpha = 1.5 intgrl = self._calc_epsTE01_int(Itke, theta) # Index data to be used inds = (omega_range[0] < omega) & (omega < omega_range[1]) spec = advbin.Spec[..., inds] omega =[inds].reshape( [1] * (advbin.Spec.ndim - 2) + [sum(inds)]) # Estimate values # u component out = (np.mean((spec[0] + spec[1]) * (omega) ** (5 / 3), -1) / (21 / 55 * alpha * intgrl) ) ** (3 / 2) / U_mag # v component out = (np.mean((spec[0] + spec[1]) * (omega) ** (5 / 3), -1) / (21 / 55 * alpha * intgrl) ) ** (3 / 2) / U_mag out += (np.mean(spec[2] * (omega) ** (5 / 3), -1) / (12 / 55 * alpha * intgrl) ) ** (3 / 2) / U_mag # Average the two estimates. out *= 0.5 return out
def _calc_epsTE01_int(self, Itke, theta): """ The integral, equation A13, in [TE01]. Parameters ---------- Itke : |np.ndarray| (beta in TE01) is the turbulence intensity ratio: \sigma_u / V theta : |np.ndarray| is the angle between the mean flow, and the primary axis of velocity fluctuations. """ x = np.arange(-20, 20, 1e-2) # I think this is a long enough range. out = np.empty_like(Itke.flatten()) for i, (b, t) in enumerate(zip(Itke.flatten(), theta.flatten())): out[i] = np.trapz( cbrt(x ** 2 - 2 / b * np.cos(t) * x + b ** (-2)) * np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2), x) return out.reshape(Itke.shape) * \ (2 * np.pi) ** (-0.5) * Itke ** (2 / 3)
[docs] def calc_Lint(self, corr_vel, U_mag, fs=None): """ Calculate integral length scales. Parameters ---------- corr_vel : |np.ndarray| The auto-covariance array (i.e. computed using calc_acov). U_mag : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time) The velocity magnitude for this bin. fs : float The raw sample rate. Returns ------- Lint : |np.ndarray| (..., n_time) The integral length scale (Tint*U_mag). Notes ----- The integral time scale (Tint) is the lag-time at which the auto-covariance falls to 1/e. """ fs = self._parse_fs(fs) return (U_mag / fs * np.argmin((corr_vel / corr_vel[..., :1]) > (1 / np.e), axis=-1))
def calc_turbulence(advr, n_bin, n_fft=None, out_type=None, omega_range_epsilon=[6.28, 12.57], Itke_thresh=0, window='hann'): """ Compute a suite of turbulence statistics for the input data advr, and return a `binned` data object. Parameters ---------- advr : :class:`ADVdata <base.ADVdata>` The raw adv data-object to `bin`, average and compute turbulence statistics of. omega_range_epsilon : iterable(2) The frequency range (low, high) over which to estimate the dissipation rate `epsilon` [rad/s]. Itke_thresh : The threshold for velocity magnitude for computing the turbulence intensity. Values of Itke where U_mag < Itke_thresh are set to NaN. (default: 0). window : 1, None, 'hann' The window to use for psds. Returns ------- advb : :class:`base.ADVbinned` Returns an 'binned' (i.e. 'averaged') data object. All fields of the input data object are averaged in n_bin chunks. This object also computes the following items over those chunks: - tke\_vec : The energy in each component, each components is alternatively accessible as: :attr:`upup_ <>`, :attr:`vpvp_ <>`, :attr:`wpwp_ <>`) - stress : The Reynolds stresses, each component is alternatively accessible as: :attr:`upwp_ <>`, :attr:`vpwp_ <>`, :attr:`upvp_ <>`) - sigma_Uh : The standard deviation of the horizontal velocity. - Spec : A data group containing the spectra of the velocity in radial frequency units. The data group contains: - vel : the velocity spectra array (m^2/s/radian)) - omega : the radial frequncy (radian / s) """ calculator = TurbBinner(n_bin, advr.props['fs'], n_fft=n_fft, out_type=out_type, omega_range_epsilon=omega_range_epsilon, Itke_thresh=Itke_thresh, window=window) return calculator(advr)