This is the DOLfYN API. It is a high-level object-oriented library composed of a set of data-object classes (types) that contain data from a particular measurement instrument, and a collection of functions that manipulate those data objects to accomplish data processing and data analysis tasks.
DOLfYN data objects¶
This is the base class for velocity data objects. |
The acoustic Doppler profiler (ADP) data type. |
The acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) data type. |
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ This is the base class for velocity data objects.
All ADP and ADV data objects inherit from this base class.
See also
DOLfYN Velocity objects are based on Python dicts, but have fancy interactive printing properties and indexing properties.
First, the interactive printing:
>>> import dolfyn as dlfn >>> dat = dlfn.read_example('BenchFile01.ad2cp')
In an interactive interpreter, view the contents of the data object by:
>>> dat <ADP data object> . 9.11 minutes (started: Feb 24, 2017 10:01) . BEAM-frame . (38 bins, 1094 pings @ 2Hz) *------------ | mpltime : <time_array; (1094,); float64> | range : <array; (38,); float64> | range_b5 : <array; (38,); float64> | vel : <array; (4, 38, 1094); float32> | vel_b5 : <array; (1, 38, 1094); float32> + alt : + DATA GROUP + altraw : + DATA GROUP + config : + DATA GROUP + env : + DATA GROUP + orient : + DATA GROUP + props : + DATA GROUP + signal : + DATA GROUP + sys : + DATA GROUP
You can view the contents of a ‘DATA GROUP’ by:
>>> dat['env'] <class ''>: Data Object with Keys: *------------ | c_sound : <array; (1094,); float32> | press : <array; (1094,); float32> | temp : <array; (1094,); float32>
Or you can also use attribute-style syntax:
>>> dat.signal <class ''>: Data Object with Keys: *------------ | amp : <array; (4, 38, 1094); float16> | amp_b5 : <array; (1, 38, 1094); float16> | corr : <array; (4, 38, 1094); uint8> | corr_b5 : <array; (1, 38, 1094); uint8>
You can directly access an item in a subgroup by:
>>> dat['env.c_sound'] array([1520.9 , 1520.8501, 1520.8501, ..., 1522.3 , 1522.3 , 1522.3 ], dtype=float32)
# And you can test for the presence of a variable by:
>>> 'signal.amp' in dat True
¶ Horizontal velocity as a complex quantity.
¶ Angle of horizontal velocity vector (radians clockwise from east/X/streamwise).
¶ Horizontal velocity magnitude.
(self, other)¶ Join two data objects together.
For example, two data objects
(which must contain the same variables, with the same array dimensions) can be joined together by:>>> dat = d1.append(d2)
(self)¶ Create a copy of the data object.
(self, key, default=None, /)¶ Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
(self, include_hidden=False)¶ Generate the keys for all data items in this data object, including walking through sub-data objects.
- Parameters
- include_hiddenbool (Default: False)
Whether entries starting with ‘_’ should be included in the iteration.
(self, include_hidden=False)¶ Generate the keys for all sub-groups in this data object, including walking through sub-groups.
- Parameters
- include_hiddenbool (Default: False)
Whether entries starting with ‘_’ should be included in the iteration.
¶ The number of timesteps in the data object.
(self, indx, d=<object object at 0x105342060>)¶ If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
(self, out_frame, inplace=False)[source]¶ Rotate the data object into a new coordinate system.
- Parameters
- out_framestring {‘beam’, ‘inst’, ‘earth’, ‘principal’}
The coordinate system to rotate the data into.
- inplacebool
Operate on self (True), or return a copy that has been rotated (False, default).
- Returns
- objout
The rotated data object. This is self if inplace is True.
- objout
See also
(self, declination)[source]¶ Set the declination of the data object.
- Parameters
- declinationfloat
The value of the magnetic declination in degrees (positive values specify that Magnetic North is clockwise from True North)
This method modifies the data object in the following ways:
If the data-object is in the earth reference frame at the time of setting declination, it will be rotated into the “True-East, True-North, Up” (hereafter, ETU) coordinate system
is modified to be an ETU to instrument (XYZ) rotation matrix (rather than the magnetic-ENU to XYZ rotation matrix). Therefore, all rotations to/from the ‘earth’ frame will now be to/from this ETU coordinate system.The value of the specified declination will be stored in
is adjusted for declination (i.e., it is relative to True North).If
is set, it is adjusted to account for the orientation of the new ‘True’ earth coordinate system (i.e., calling set_declination on a data object in the principal coordinate system, then calling dat.rotate2(‘earth’) will yield a data object in the new ‘True’ earth coordinate system)
¶ The shape of ‘scalar’ data in this data object.
¶ Subset is an indexer for creating subsets of the data object using Python slice syntax.
For example, you can do:
dat2 = dat.subset[10:500]
Which returns a new data object that contains the 10th through 500th entry for each variable in the data object. This also operates recursively through sub-objects.
(self, buf, chunks=True, compression='gzip')¶ Write the data in this object to an hdf5 file.
¶ The first velocity component.
This is simply a shortcut to self[‘vel’][0]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self[‘props’][‘coord_sys’]), it is:
beam: beam1
inst: x
earth: east
principal: streamwise
¶ The second velocity component.
This is simply a shortcut to self[‘vel’][1]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self[‘props’][‘coord_sys’]), it is:
beam: beam2
inst: y
earth: north
principal: cross-stream
¶ The third velocity component.
This is simply a shortcut to self[‘vel’][2]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self[‘props’][‘coord_sys’]), it is:
beam: beam3
inst: z
earth: up
principal: up
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ The acoustic Doppler profiler (ADP) data type.
See also
¶ The horizontal shear-squared.
This is actually (dudz)^2 + (dvdz)^2. So, if those variables are not actually vertical derivatives of the horizontal velocity, then this is not the ‘horizontal shear-squared’.
¶ The shear in the first velocity component.
The derivative direction is along the profiler’s ‘z’ coordinate (‘dz’ is actually diff(self[‘range’])), not necessarily the ‘true vertical’ direction.
¶ The shear in the second velocity component.
The derivative direction is along the profiler’s ‘z’ coordinate (‘dz’ is actually diff(self[‘range’])), not necessarily the ‘true vertical’ direction.
¶ The shear in the third velocity component.
The derivative direction is along the profiler’s ‘z’ coordinate (‘dz’ is actually diff(self[‘range’])), not necessarily the ‘true vertical’ direction.
DOLfYN tools and functions¶
Read a binary Nortek (e.g., .VEC, .wpr, .ad2cp, etc.) or RDI (.000, .PD0, etc.) data file. |
Rotate a data object to a new coordinate system. |
This object performs motion correction on an IMU-ADV data object. |
This is the base binning (averaging) tool. |
Computes various averages and turbulence statistics from cleaned ADV data. |
Compute the principal angle of the horizontal velocity. |
(fname, userdata=True, nens=None)[source]¶ Read a binary Nortek (e.g., .VEC, .wpr, .ad2cp, etc.) or RDI (.000, .PD0, etc.) data file.
- Parameters
- filenamestring
Filename of Nortek file to read.
- userdataTrue, False, or string of userdata.json filename
) Whether to read the ‘<base-filename>.userdata.json’ file.- nensNone (default: read entire file), int, or
- 2-element tuple (start, stop)
Number of pings to read from the file
- Returns
- dat
A DOLfYN velocity data object.
- dat
(obj, out_frame='earth', inplace=False)[source]¶ Rotate a data object to a new coordinate system.
- Parameters
- obj
The dolfyn velocity-data (ADV or ADP) object to rotate.
- out_framestring {‘beam’, ‘inst’, ‘earth’, ‘principal’}
The coordinate system to rotate the data into.
- inplacebool
Operate on the input data object (True), or return a copy that has been rotated (False, default).
- obj
- Returns
- objout
The rotated data object. Note that when
, the input object is modified in-place and returned (i.e.,objout
- objout
This function rotates all variables in
(accel_filtfreq=None, vel_filtfreq=None, separate_probes=False)[source]¶ This object performs motion correction on an IMU-ADV data object. The IMU and ADV data should be tightly synchronized and contained in a single data object.
- Parameters
- accel_filtfreqfloat
the frequency at which to high-pass filter the acceleration signal to remove low-frequency drift.
- vel_filtfreqfloat (optional)
a second frequency to high-pass filter the integrated acceleration. (default: 1/3 of accel_filtfreq)
- separate_probesbool (optional: False)
a flag to perform motion-correction at the probe tips, and perform motion correction in beam-coordinates, then transform back into XYZ/earth coordinates. This correction seems to be lower than the noise levels of the ADV, so the defualt is to not use it (False).
Acceleration signals from inertial sensors are notorious for having a small bias that can drift slowly in time. When integrating these signals to estimate velocity the bias is amplified and leads to large errors in the estimated velocity. There are two methods for removing these errors,
high-pass filter the acceleration signal prior and/or after integrating. This implicitly assumes that the low-frequency translational velocity is zero.
provide a slowly-varying reference position (often from a GPS) to an IMU that can use the signal (usually using Kalman filters) to debias the acceleration signal.
Because method (1) removes real low-frequency acceleration, method (2) is more accurate. However, providing reference position estimates to undersea instruments is practically challenging and expensive. Therefore, lacking the ability to use method (2), this function utilizes method (1).
For deployments in which the ADV is mounted on a mooring, or other semi-fixed structure, the assumption of zero low-frequency translational velocity is a reasonable one. However, for deployments on ships, gliders, or other moving objects it is not. The measured velocity, after motion-correction, will still hold some of this contamination and will be a sum of the ADV motion and the measured velocity on long time scales. If low-frequency motion is known separate from the ADV (e.g. from a bottom-tracking ADP, or from a ship’s GPS), it may be possible to remove that signal from the ADV signal in post-processing. The accuracy of this approach has not, to my knowledge, been tested yet.
>>> from dolfyn.adv import api as avm >>> dat = avm.read_nortek('my_data_file.vec') >>> mc = avm.CorrectMotion(0.1) >>> corrected_data = mc(dat)
(self, advo, to_earth=True)[source]¶ Perform motion correction on an IMU-equipped ADV object.
- Parameters
- advo
The adv object on which to perform motion correction. It must contain the following data attributes:
vel : The velocity array.
accel : The translational acceleration array.
angrt : The rotation-rate array.
orientmat : The orientation matrix.
props : a dictionary that has ‘inst2head_vec’ and ‘coord_sys’.
- to_earthbool (optional, default: True)
A boolean that specifies whether the data should be rotated into the earth frame.
- advo
After calling this function, advo will have velrot and velacc data attributes. The velocity vector attribute
will be motion corrected according to:u_corr = u_raw + velacc + velrot
Therefore, to recover the ‘raw’ velocity, subtract velacc and velrot from
.This method does not return a data object, it operates on (motion corrects) the input advo.
(n_bin, fs, n_fft=None, n_fft_coh=None)[source]¶ This is the base binning (averaging) tool.
All DOLfYN binning tools derive from this base class.
The VelBinner class is used to compute averages and turbulence statistics from ‘raw’ (unaveraged) ADV or ADP measurements, for example:
# First read or load some data. rawdat = dlfn.read_example('BenchFile01.ad2cp') # Now initialize the averaging tool: binner = dlfn.VelBinner(n_bin=600, fs=rawdat['props']['fs']) # This computes the basic averages avg = binner(rawdat)
(self, indat, n_bin=None)¶ Calculate the auto-covariance of the raw-signal indat.
As opposed to calc_xcov, which returns the full cross-covariance between two arrays, this function only returns a quarter of the full auto-covariance. It computes the auto-covariance over half of the range, then averages the two sides (to return a ‘quartered’ covariance).
This has the advantage that the 0 index is actually zero-lag.
(self, fs=None, coh=False)¶ Calculate the radial-frequency vector for the psd’s.
- Parameters
- fsfloat (optional)
The sample rate (Hz).
- cohbool
Calculate the frequency vector for coherence/cross-spectra (default: False) i.e. use self.n_fft_coh instead of self.n_fft.
(self, veldat)[source]¶ Calculate the stresses (cross-covariances of u,v,w).
- Parameters
- veldata velocity data array. The last dimension is assumed
to be time.
- Returns
- outAn array of stress values.
(self, veldat, noise=[0, 0, 0])[source]¶ Calculate the tke (variances of u,v,w).
- Parameters
- veldata velocity data array. The last dimension is assumed
to be time.
- noisea three-element vector of the noise levels of the
velocity data for ach component of velocity.
- Returns
- outAn array of tke values.
(self, veldat, rotate_u=False, fs=None, window='hann', n_bin=None, n_fft=None, n_pad=None, step=None)[source]¶ Calculate the cross-spectra of velocity components.
- Parameters
- veldatnp.ndarray
The raw velocity data.
- rotate_ubool (optional)
If True, each ‘bin’ of horizontal velocity is rotated into its principal axis prior to calculating the psd. (default: False).
- fsfloat (optional)
The sample rate (default: from the binner).
- windowstring or array
Specify the window function.
- n_binint (optional)
The bin-size (default: from the binner).
- n_fftint (optional)
The fft size (default: from the binner).
- n_padint (optional)
The number of values to pad with zero (default: 0)
- stepint (optional)
Controls amount of overlap in fft (default: the step size is chosen to maximize data use, minimize nens, and have a minimum of 50% overlap.).
- Returns
- CSpecnp.ndarray (3, M, N_FFT)
The first-dimension of the cross-spectrum is the three different cross-spectra: ‘uv’, ‘uw’, ‘vw’ (in that order).
(self, veldat, rotate_u=False, fs=None, window='hann', noise=[0, 0, 0], n_bin=None, n_fft=None, n_pad=None, step=None)[source]¶ Calculate the psd of velocity.
- Parameters
- veldatnp.ndarray
The raw velocity data.
- rotate_ubool (optional)
If True, each ‘bin’ of horizontal velocity is rotated into its principal axis prior to calculating the psd. (default: False).
- fsfloat (optional)
The sample rate (default: from the binner).
- windowstring or array
Specify the window function.
- noiselist(3 floats) (optional)
Noise level of each component’s velocity measurement (default 0).
- n_binint (optional)
The bin-size (default: from the binner).
- n_fftint (optional)
The fft size (default: from the binner).
- n_padint (optional)
The number of values to pad with zero (default: 0)
- stepint (optional)
Controls amount of overlap in fft (default: the step size is chosen to maximize data use, minimize nens, and have a minimum of 50% overlap.).
- Returns
- Specnp.ndarray (3, M, N_FFT)
The first-dimension of the spectrum is the three different spectra: ‘uu’, ‘vv’, ‘ww’.
(self, indt1, indt2, npt=None, n_bin1=None, n_bin2=None, normed=False)¶ Calculate the cross-covariance between arrays indt1 and indt2 for each bin.
(self, dat1, dat2, window='hann', debias=True, noise=0, 0, n_fft=None, n_bin1=None, n_bin2=None)¶ Calculate coherence between dat1 and dat2.
(self, dat1, dat2, fs=None, window='hann', n_fft=None, n_bin1=None, n_bin2=None)¶ Calculate the ‘cross power spectral density’ of dat.
- Parameters
- dat1np.ndarray
The first raw-data array of which to calculate the cpsd.
- dat2np.ndarray
The second raw-data array of which to calculate the cpsd.
- windowstring
String indicating the window function to use (default: ‘hanning’).
- Returns
- outnp.ndarray
The cross-spectral density of dat1 and dat2
(self, dat, n_pad=0, n_bin=None)¶ Reshape the array dat and remove the mean from each ensemble.
(self, dat, n_pad=0, n_bin=None)¶ Reshape the array dat and remove the best-fit trend line.
… Need to fix this to deal with NaNs…
(self, rawdat, outdat=None, names=None, n_time=None)¶ - Parameters
- rawdatraw_data_object
The raw data structure to be binned
- outdatavg_data_object
The bin’d (output) data object to which averaged data is added.
- nameslist of strings
The names of variables to be averaged. If names is None, all data in rawdat will be binned.
(self, rawdat, outdat=None, names=None, suffix='_var')¶ Calculate the variance of data attributes.
- Parameters
- rawdatraw_data_object
The raw data structure to be binned.
- outdatavg_data_object
The bin’d (output) data object to which variance data is added.
- nameslist of strings
The names of variables of which to calculate variance. If names is None, all data in rawdat will be binned.
(self, dat, axis=- 1, n_bin=None, mask_thresh=None)¶ Average an array object.
- Parameters
- n_binint (default is self.n_bin)
- mask_threshfloat (between 0 and 1)
if the input data is a masked array, and mask_thresh is not None mask the averaged values where the fraction of bad points is greater than mask_thresh
(self, dat, axis=- 1, units='radians', n_bin=None, mask_thresh=None)¶ Average an angle array.
- Parameters
- units{‘radians’ | ‘degrees’}
- n_binint (default is self.n_bin)
- mask_threshfloat (between 0 and 1)
if the input data is a masked array, and mask_thresh is not None mask the averaged values where the fraction of bad points is greater than mask_thresh
(self, dat1, dat2, window='hann', n_fft=None, n_bin1=None, n_bin2=None)¶ Calculate the phase difference between two signals as a function of frequency (complimentary to coherence).
- Parameters
- dat1np.ndarray
The first raw-data array of which to calculate the cpsd.
- dat2np.ndarray
The second raw-data array of which to calculate the cpsd.
- windowstring
String indicating the window function to use (default: ‘hanning’).
- Returns
- outnp.ndarray
The phase difference between signal dat1 and dat2.
(self, dat, fs=None, window='hann', noise=0, n_bin=None, n_fft=None, step=None, n_pad=None)¶ Calculate ‘power spectral density’ of dat.
- Parameters
- datdata_object
The raw-data array of which to calculate the psd.
- windowstring
String indicating the window function to use (default: ‘hanning’).
- noisefloat
The white-noise level of the measurement (in the same units as dat).
(self, arr, n_pad=0, n_bin=None)¶ Reshape the array arr to shape (…,n,n_bin+n_pad).
- Parameters
- arrnp.ndarray
- n_padint
Is used to add n_pad/2 points from the end of the previous ensemble to the top of the current, and n_pad/2 points from the top of the next ensemble to the bottom of the current. Zeros are padded in the upper-left and lower-right corners of the matrix (beginning/end of timeseries). In this case, the array shape will be (…,`n`,`n_pad`+`n_bin`)
- n_binfloat, int (optional)
Override this binner’s n_bin.
n_bin can be non-integer, in which case the output array size will be n_pad`+`n_bin, and the decimal will cause skipping of some data points in arr. In particular, every mod(n_bin,1) bins will have a skipped point. For example: - for n_bin=2048.2 every 1/5 bins will have a skipped point. - for n_bin=4096.9 every 9/10 bins will have a skipped point.
(n_bin, fs, n_fft=None, n_fft_coh=None)[source]¶ Computes various averages and turbulence statistics from cleaned ADV data.
- Parameters
- n_binint
The length of bin s, in number of points, for this averaging operator.
- n_fftint (optional, default: n_fft = n_bin)
The length of the FFT for computing spectra (must be < n_bin)
(self, advr, out_type=None, omega_range_epsilon=[6.28, 12.57], Itke_thresh=0, window='hann')[source]¶ Compute a suite of turbulence statistics for the input data advr, and return a binned data object.
- Parameters
- advr
The raw adv data-object to bin, average and compute turbulence statistics of.
- omega_range_epsiloniterable(2)
The frequency range (low, high) over which to estimate the dissipation rate epsilon [rad/s].
- Itke_threshThe threshold for velocity magnitude for
computing the turbulence intensity. Values of Itke where U_mag < Itke_thresh are set to NaN. (default: 0).
- window1, None, ‘hann’
The window to use for psds.
- advr
- Returns
- advb
Returns an ‘binned’ (i.e. ‘averaged’) data object. All fields of the input data object are averaged in n_bin chunks. This object also computes the following items over those chunks:
tke_vec : The energy in each component (components are also accessible as
)stress : The Reynolds stresses (each component is accessible as
)sigma_Uh : The standard deviation of the horizontal velocity.
Spec : A data group containing the spectra of the velocity in radial frequency units. The data group contains:
vel : the velocity spectra array (m^2/s/radian))
omega : the radial frequncy (radian / s)
- advb
(self, corr_vel, U_mag, fs=None)[source]¶ Calculate integral length scales.
- Parameters
- corr_vel
The auto-covariance array (i.e. computed using calc_acov).
- U_mag
(…, n_time) The velocity magnitude for this bin.
- fsfloat
The raw sample rate.
- corr_vel
- Returns
- Lint
(…, n_time) The integral length scale (Tint*U_mag).
- Lint
The integral time scale (Tint) is the lag-time at which the auto-covariance falls to 1/e.
(self, spec, omega, U_mag, omega_range=[6.28, 12.57])[source]¶ Calculate the dissipation rate from the spectrum.
- Parameters
- spec
(…,n_time,n_f) The spectrum array [m^2/s/radian]
- omega
(n_f) The frequency array [rad/s]
- U_mag
(…,n_time) The velocity magnitude [m/s]
- omega_rangeiterable(2)
The range over which to integrate/average the spectrum.
- spec
- Returns
- epsilonnp.ndarray (…,n_time)
The dissipation rate.
This uses the standard formula for dissipation:
\[S(k) = \alpha \epsilon^{2/3} k^{-5/3}\]where \(\alpha = 0.5\) (1.5 for all three velocity components), k is wavenumber and S(k) is the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum.
With \(k \rightarrow \omega / U\) then–to preserve variance– \(S(k) = U S(\omega)\) and so this becomes:
\[S(\omega) = \alpha \epsilon^{2/3} \omega^{-5/3} U^{2/3}\]LT83 : Lumley and Terray “Kinematics of turbulence convected by a random wave field” JPO, 1983, 13, 2000-2007.
(self, veldat, umag, fs=None, freq_rng=[0.5, 5.0])[source]¶ Calculate epsilon using the “structure function” (SF) method.
- Parameters
- veldat
(…, n_time, n_bin) The raw velocity signal (last dimension time) upon which to perform the SF technique.
- umag
(…, n_time) The bin-averaged horizontal velocity magnitude.
- fsfloat
The sample rate of veldat [hz].
- freq_rngiterable(2)
The frequency range over which to compute the SF [hz].
- veldat
- Returns
- epsilon
(…, n_time) The dissipation rate.
- epsilon
(self, advbin, advraw, omega_range=[6.28, 12.57])[source]¶ Calculate the dissipation according to TE01.
- Parameters
- advbin
The binned adv object. The following spectra and basic turbulence statistics must already be computed.
- advraw
The raw adv object.
- advbin
- TE01Trowbridge, J and Elgar, S, “Turbulence measurements in
the Surf Zone” JPO, 2001, 31, 2403-2417.
(vel, tidal_mode=True)[source]¶ Compute the principal angle of the horizontal velocity.
- Parameters
- velnp.ndarray (2,…,Nt), or (3,…,Nt)
The 2D or 3D velocity array (3rd-dim is ignored in this calculation)
- tidal_modebool (default: True)
- Returns
- p_headingfloat or ndarray
The principal heading(s) in degrees clockwise from North.
- The tidal mode follows these steps:
rotates vectors with negative v by 180 degrees
then doubles those angles to make a complete circle again
computes a mean direction from this, and halves that angle again.
The returned angle is forced to be between 0 and 180. So, you may need to add 180 to this if you want your positive direction to be in the western-half of the plane.
Otherwise, this function simply compute the average direction using a vector method.